Is it normal that i'm terrified of being judged?

I'm constantly worried that the people I see on the street hate me. I see the people on the Internet and wonder if they're the people I see day to day. A lot of people on the Internet are trolls, of course, but a lot of them are telling the truth. They're saying what's actually on their minds. I can't help but wonder if the older people I see hate me because I'm young. I can't help but wonder if the minorities hate me because I'm white. Even if they act nice, are they really thinking nice things about me? Or are they just putting on a show, and they secretly despise me? I don't know. Is it normal?

Voting Results
83% Normal
Based on 46 votes (38 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Anime7

    This is very normal. In fact I actually feel the same way. I'm afraid of being judged, but I know that it'll happen so the best thing to do is not to care. I've learned that not everyone in the world is out to get you, there are some really nice people out there.

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  • shutupanddrive

    its called social anxiety disorder

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  • dappled

    Don't go too far down that path. My father is terrified of being judged and takes criticism so much to heart that it turned him into a hateful bastard. My sister is getting married today (may already even be married right now) and my father is the reason I'm not there. I made the mistake of criticising him a fortnight ago (ironically, the criticism was that he can't take criticism, which is patently true as he uninvited me from the wedding and told me I'd never see anyone in the family again).

    My advice to him (not that he'll read this) is the same as my advice to you. People will criticise you at times, sometimes fairly, sometimes unfairly. Take it on the chin, even learn to laugh at it, and laugh at yourself. At the very worst, all criticism amounts to is someone else's thoughts (that may not even be valid). The rampant fear of criticism is what has caused most problems for my family. It's not about the criticism itself; it's about how you deal with it.

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  • iisabel

    i have the same problem. i just tell myself that no matter what, no matter who i am or how i act, SOMEONE is going to have negative thoughts about me. you might as well just do you and you'll be a lot happier. (i know, much easier said than done)

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  • Ldizzy1234

    I get this sometimes too. But honestly, you might be over thinking things. And they could even be feeling the same way that you're feeling when you're walking through the street. They could be wondering if you're judging them as well.

    Try not to worry about it. If you let it get to you too much, you could end up isolating yourself from the outside world, and all because of your own paranoia. Not fun.

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    My advice would be to pretty much say "fuck um". Hardly anybody that sees you is going to judge you (unless you have a dick tattoo'd on your face or something). Spacey is right when she says that most people go around in there little worlds and rarely ever think about another person.

    If you do meet people that judge you, who cares? If they are going to judge you up front, they are not the people you want to be around, and they don't have the kind of opinions you want to respect anyways! Love yourself and fuck what anybody else says!

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  • Glass

    You really need to stop caring so much. That person walking on the strwet that looked at you funny, they won't remember you tomorrow. They won't care. You'll be completely erased from their memory at some point, and will never see them again. Those people you see day to day aren't going to think of you outside of the time they see you, maybe not even then, most are busy with there own crap to think about irrelevant people.
    You need to stop being extremely paranoid, it's a self destructive road that leads to nowhere. Speaking from experience.

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  • superaspie

    I have a speech impediment and I'm the exact same way.

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  • thestocker

    yeah im also terrified of the judge

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