Is it normal that i'm terrified of driving?

I'm absolutely afraid of driving and I'm never going to drive again. Is this normal?

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 30 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • there are people in this world who are not meant to drive and maybe your one of them, so is my aunty she went for her licence 10 times (unsuccessfully) dont worry maybe you are meant to be chauffeured

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  • I am when I get lost, but I'm sure everyone is, either that or they get angry. I think you need to just keep driving until you're comfortable. Drive around the block and get use to the places around you. Drive to the store every few days or every week and you'll get use to it that you'll start to get comfortable.

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  • Yuppo

    Dude, I freak the fuck out when I have to go driving. I'm always scared about crashing into some shit or killing someone.

    Totally normal, just take it slow and get used to it, you'll get better over time.

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  • bubbles:)

    It's normal to be afraid of driving, it carries a large number of risks. But to never do something again because it scares you isn't the best choice. Why don't you try driving on some really quite roads or in a parking lot and work your way up from there.

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