Is it normal that i'm terrified of sharks?

I'm terrified of sharks, and not just any shark. The Land Shark in particular is my greatest fear.The Land Shark is considered the cleverest of all sharks. Unlike the great white shark, which tends to inhabit the waters and harbors of recreational beach areas, the Land Shark may strike at any place, any time. It is capable of disguising its voice, and generally preys on young, single women.

Everytime someone knocks on my door I'm scared to open it, for fear of the shark.IIN? If not what can I do to overcome it? They also lowkey turn me on.

Voting Results
61% Normal
Based on 57 votes (35 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • PumpkinKate


    Billions of years ago, the very ground that you walk on USED TO BE UNDER WATER. Well, guess what? You know who was swimming around here ripping the living fucklights out of all creatures great and small?

    That's right, sharks. So why be afraid now?



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    • nobleserpent

      Pfffft I'm not fooled. That's just a new comic from 2 Months ago.

      Lol it was pretty funny though, I'll give you that.

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      • PumpkinKate


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  • Faceless

    Umm, get a rape whistle?

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  • Frosties

    Mr Spielberg has a lot to answer for. Scaring a whole generation of humans and turning them against sharks. Pray God he doesn't make a film "Claws" about a man-eating tiger. He'll have us hating them too.

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  • always have a harpoon in your holster or poke em in the eyes

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  • The_Monstahhhh

    Okay, to all the stupid people with shark jokes, get real.
    But the the person who asked the question, Sharks scare many MANY people, so it's normal. Mainly because people think of them as man eaters (which does happen but not on purpose unless they are absolutely starving)and they're misunderstood. Land Shark however, that is not real. Sharks are fish and can only live in water but sharks can stay on land for a few minutes like any fish before dying.

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    • Oh trust me Land Sharks are very real, theres footage.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I've never heard of a "Land Shark". Have they really evolved to the extent that they don't need to thrive on water?! That's a scary reality...

    It's normal. I'm scared of them too. The last few aquariums I've been to, I couldn't deal with the sharks... One exhibit in particular was dark and dead silent. Sharks on each and every side. Some were in a pool below a flight of escalators. Imagine if someone had fallen over, they would've been torn to shreds.

    I shudder to think.

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  • Is it me or does the shark in the picture look kinda retarded? Like some sort of down syndromey white shark? Maybe its just cross eyed. My fault sharky, no offense intended.

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    • Lol it kind of does, but the actual landshark is far more intimidating

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  • bumblecreek

    well if you weren't afraid of it, that wouldn't be normal.

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  • gabi123

    lol thats hilarious

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    • :)

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  • zchristian

    They rarely attack humans anyway.

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  • Blood.Rose

    well, it's normal to have phobias, but i really dont think a shark will walk up to your door. im not even sure they breath air directly. why are you so afraid of them?

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