Is it normal that i'm terrified of the depth of a lake or ocean?

I've always had this fear that there's something under the water and I can't go out very far when i swim in the lake or ocean. I think I'm afraid because of several dreams I had when I was a kid, but there's obviously nothing down there (besides sharks in the ocean) so I should have nothing to worry about, right?

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94% Normal
Based on 34 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Xal

    I have this same problem, and though it's an irrational fear, it's normal. I find it somewhat similar to being afraid of the dark. Plenty of people are even though there is very rarely something lurking in the shadows with malicious intent.

    Seriously though, sharks....scariest thing ever XD

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  • emilydoll

    Not SO much a calm lake, but an ocean??? I never go past a certain point ever, I make sure I am in the area where I am being pushed away.

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  • emilydoll

    You are like me.

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  • FocoUS

    I think I read somewhere that our fears could be inherited from our ancient tribes. For example a person who's afraid of spiders might have ancestry that dates to a tribe that had to deal with poisonous spiders, when death by spider bite was a real thing. Or if you're afraid of heights you could date back to a tribe that lived in high places when falling to your death was a possibility.

    Maybe you're just born with this fear.

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  • Weirdgirl

    I'm a bit like that, once I was gonna jump into a river but I was in my best clothes so I didn't, then when the water went down I saw a 8ft drop (I'm only 5) with loads of jagged rocks and once I was stuck in a sea full of jellies but anyway it's pretty normal if you've had a bad experience

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  • sky915

    I terrified of oceans & lakes D:

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  • cookiematula

    I hate oceans :(

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  • elowen

    There are things under the water, so your fear is legitimate.

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  • NotFloydzie

    Aww. I'm not a good fan of American beaches, but I do enjoy the lake. When I travel to a country with nice beach weather that's literally what I most enjoy, hanging around in the ocean. Unless I'm in Puerto Rico following Coquis all night.

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