Is it normal that i`m this scared?

Okay, so I`ve been contemplating different things for a while now. I used to be an atheist but I am now starting to believe in a higher power... I think that all supernatural claims probably can`t be put off as nonsense/lies. I have been researching astral projection and near death experiences as well. The thing about is that a lot of near death experiences claim to see god and jesus while some also see other figures such as buddha and or krishna. It haunts me to think that anything other than what christianity teaches is of the devil. has anyone else on here had a near death experience or has an idea about any of this? I have looked through various religions and found that I like taoism, hinduism, and buddhism. All of these religions sound peaceful and loving to me. But apparently they are of the devil. I am almost on the verge of tears because I feel like if I don`t follow jesus`s teachings I will be condemed to hell forever. I also wonder how christians say that it isn`t condemnation it is just people choosing to be seperate from god. I have also heard many claims that say the bible is historically accurate from apparently credible scientists. While some scientists and people say that the bible has no historical accuracy? Which do I believe? I mean there are 2 billion adherents to christianity so it has to be right... I just don`t understand how it even makes sense. Some geneticists say that there is no proof of adam and eve while others say there is... I mean its so confusing I don`t know what to do. If anyone knows something about any of this please share. :p

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Comments ( 3 )
  • kingofcarrotflowers

    I know about astral projection i studied it in psycology. its not real. Well it is but its not what some people think it is. Its acctually being concious going into hypnagogia (thr transitional stage of sleep) and your dream. In other words astral projection is nothing more than lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is responsible for many "spiritual" misunderstandings. In hypnagogia our body starts to paralyze us so we dont act out our dreams if you are concious for this by using the (wild technique) you can actually observe yourself falling asleep. you start to feel pins and needles an feel like you are hovering or travelling at great speed. then as you watch yourself fall into a lucid dream you hear voices and see patterns of light. If you open your eyes now you will see things in your room as you have tricked your body into thinking you are asleep and its creating dream fragments. Some see jesus some see horrific things leaning over their bed and touching gheir face. if you carry on though you can lucid dream. Many people rise from the bed and see themselves still there and as you can feel everything in a lucid dream like the floorboards under your feet or the wind in your face many people believe they have had a spiritual experience. You should look up WILD lucid dreaming. Its amazing

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  • Energy

    I'm also into Buddhism. I don't think modern Christianity states that Buddhism is evil. How can it be evil? It's very peaceful, kind, and loving. That's all the things it teaches.

    I'd suggest reading more Buddhism related books. I've noticed I feel really good and confident about my religion when I do so. Also, try meditation. And also, I believe in rebirthing. No hell. I just can't imagine a red little thing with horns. God is love. And love doesn't send people to suffer in some burning place called "hell". That would be contradicting.

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  • jucedaguy

    I had a NDE. I certainly pleaded to somebody somewhere for my life back. I remember it quite vividly but with no vision. I did not see GOD/JESUS as people perceive. It seemed more to me like it was just a presence. As I said it is quite a clear and vivid memory but no visual aspects at all.

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