Is it normal that i'm tired of atheists telling me what to believe in?

I'm a Reform Jew. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I hate it when people try to convince me to believe in something that I just don't. All over the Internet, I see atheists insisting that RELIGION IS WHAT WILL DESTROY THE WORLD and all that.

Now, religion does cause a lot of bloodshed. But not all of it. I've met some of the kindest people I know at synagogue. Not all of them are Zionists, and none of them have ever said an unkind word to me or anyone else. I don't like people judging me because I'm a Jew, or because I believe that there's a higher power out there somewhere. Is this normal?

Voting Results
84% Normal
Based on 50 votes (42 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    i agree with you.

    if anything they are doing exactly what they accuse others of doing - trying to force their beliefs down your throat. even if it's a lack of faith.

    intolerance is intolerance

    and the "bloodshed" thing is just grandstanding. Why are you suppose to bear the blame for what others do in the name of faith?

    As if you're guilty of it... even if you weren't alive when it happened?

    By that reasoning you can hold them accountable for anything wrong that any other atheist does. Cos ... hey turnabout's fair play.

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    • NeuroNeptunian


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    • tbiM20


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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Normal and I deal with it all of the time. I'm a Mormon, but most of my friends are Atheists or religious apathetics and not one of them actually gives a shit. The people that I do know that give a shit are either very sheltered folk or they are assholes in other areas of their lives and have few good friends.

    Haters gonna hate.

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    • Faern

      You probably drink coffee to go with that A-bomb too.

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      • NeuroNeptunian


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  • Frosties

    I think they're telling you what NOT to believe in. And they have as little right to do that as other strangers have to tell you what to believe in.

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    • zelskid

      Never met a proselytizing atheist

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  • somebody222

    I say this as an atheist: it's annoying to have anyone tell you what to believe or not believe. That being said, everyone has a right to speak their minds, it's when they start yelling that I have a problem.

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    • tbiM20

      I agree. Why cant we have intelligent conversations about our faiths? (i say faiths bc atheism is still a belief, just not one about a God.) I find it refreshing and interesting to discuss different viewpoints, and its not against my faith to respect your beliefs (a forced belief is not a true belief at all, & is not fair to you.)

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  • BHolt

    From someone from the Atheist camp, I have to just say this: NOW YOU KNOW HOW IT FEELS! We are a minority, and have the majority of the world trying to convince us that we need religion and God, otherwise we are immoral and will burn in Hell. And we don't tell people what to believe, we tell you what not to believe. We do this because we have an enormous amount of provable evidence that supports our argument, whereas you have no provable evidence that God exists. We are only trying to make you see reason and logic.

    Also, before anyone DOES try to use Hitler in an anti-Atheist statement: he was a Christian and quite anti-Atheism, and is quoted as such in his speeches. In fact, it was his Christian beliefs that provoked the slaughter of the Jews. Google "Adolf Hitler's religious views" for proof.

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    • tbiM20

      Using Hitler as an example of either side is as bad as saying the KKK is a good example of white people.

      Simply put, the individual took advantage of religion and fear, twisting it to serve his purposes. Unfortunately there will always be people who do that, just as in law or politics.

      But in general, religion is just one interpretation of the incredible mystery that is life.

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    • Thank you, sir, for proving my point.

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  • quentari

    I'm an athiest (well actuially, recently a bit agnostic) and I get incredibly frustrated when I hear other athiests calling religious people "nutjobs". You are able to find comfort and faith in something that no-one can truly prove exists, and I congratulate you for that.

    Religion has caused war and blood-shed in the past, but nowadays the worst it can do is be used in a pointless 'anti-gay-marriage' argument (it will happen, marriage isn't just a religious ceremony people)

    Anyway, back on topic. So long as you don't tell me I'm going to hell, I won't tell you that you believe in an imaginary friend :)

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  • flipshitfit

    I'm an atheist but I leave other people alone about their beliefs. I believe in the golden rule. Since I hate it when evangelical Christians get in my face, I try to show everyone else the same respect.

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  • Faern

    First of all either you are Jewish, or you aren't. Welcome to the exact same question the atheists have been asking bout the Christians (Jewish or not) for hundreds of years. Its the invisible man in the sky, and mine is better than yours! :P

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    • tbiM20

      I'm christian, and & Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are closely enough related that I can believe its all the same "invisible man in the sky." Why not? They're all just different branches with the same basic principles. Just my two cents. ;-)

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  • Samson

    Yes it's Normal. I am like you i have my beliefs and i keep to myself. I have not been sent on some journey to preach my religion i have been brought up to believe in god. Not to intrude on others opinion's.

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  • zchristian

    I hope no one trys to force their belief upon me i have anger issues...

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  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    "Now, religion does cause a lot of bloodshed. But not all of it".
    Well that's a surprise, usually religious people start about Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot right about there.

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    • I probably should have been less vague. What I meant was, religion causes a lot of bloodshed. But not all people who are religious are obsessed enough to kill anyone who doesn't agree with them.

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