Is it normal, that i'm too scared to listen to mp3's in public?
In general, I barely listen to the songs that are on my phone because I don't like the digital medium. However, the rare times that I have thought about doing this in public, I have been unable to do so due to fears. I fear that if I put in my earphones and listen to my mp3's that people will think that I'm a hoodlum or some other type of unsavory character. In the past when I would put my earphones on, I would get so scared about other's reactions, almost as if I were doing something taboo in front of them.
When I see people with earphones or headphones on, I do not experience negative thoughts towards them. I just see for what they are, which is human.
I am unsure as why I have this problem. I have had for a long time now, social phobias and ethic insecurities as well as an inferiority complex. Perhaps, this is it? In case any of you ask, I do have a therapist, but she doesn't know about this because I've never found the time to tell her and I feel as though it wouldn't be my place to tell her. Interestingly enough, me thinking about this fear seems to come up a lot when I am sitting in the waiting room. However, I have never been poorly treated by the people who work at my doctor's practice, nor is there any reason for me to think that they would. The only other thing that I can think of is that the fear might have been ingrained in me during my childhood.
Is this normal?