Is it normal that i'm worried all the time?
Here are a few examples I wrote on my phone after they happened>>
I was called in to the office to get a reminder about turning in my PE exemption hours. I was nervous at first because I thought I did something wrong, but reassured myself because I normally never do bad things. After I got back to class, I sat down and felt a jolt of some realization that I was going crazy. I started to shake and cry so I covered my face. This lasted for about ten seconds.
- My family went to a huge bar mitzvah, only my parents knew the people throwing the party. My brother went off and made friends and had fun while I sat at a table in the corner, almost crying. I hoped that no one would see me or look at me or talk about me. When the food came, I ate nothing (because I would have to get up and get in line), and pretended to text on my phone while the people assigned to the same table as me sat and ate their food and talked.
So is this normal? :( what's going on? Thanks