Is it normal that i make religious references?

I'm an atheist, and/so I obviously don't believe in any sort of religion. However, I always catch myself saying things that have to do with Christianity.

For example:
•Jesus Christ, Sweet Jesus, holy Jesus, Oh lordy Jesus, etc.
•Oh my God
•Lord, give me strength
•Jesus, help me
•Lord, help me now

I also catch myself praying out loud sometimes, even though I'm not really trying to speak to God.

My parents are Christian and my step-father is very very into Christianity (like, he exiled his daughter for a short time because she came out to him as a lesbian.) So I was pretty much raised Christian, but I've turned to science reasoning rather than religious reasoning.

Is it normal that I still act like this even though I don't even believe in what's coming out of my own mouth? Could it be because I was raised this way?

Thanks for reading, and sorry if I've happened to offend or insult you.

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92% Normal
Based on 36 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • dom180

    It would be abnormal if you deliberately restricted yourself from saying those things.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm not offended or insulted. I think your post is one of the most considerate ones I've seen from an atheist regarding Christianity especially considering your background. I'm Catholic and although I don't have any children I can't imagine cutting ties with a child simply because they're gay. I love gay people! But some really conservative people would call me a heretic.

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  • disthing

    They're just habits of language. Do you think every person who says "Oh my God!" is religious? These phrases enter into common use and often lose their original meaning. This is especially common with swear words and exclamations - they express or emphasise an emotion, and that's usually it. You pick them up from people around you.

    As for praying, again that's a habit, but really you're expressing your desire for something to happen. You're willing it to happen. It's just like somebody saying "PLEASE don't let my train be late!" to themselves.

    It's perfectly normal. I do find something funny about "Oh lordy Jesus!" though. It conjures an image of an overweight woman in a floral dress, red-cheeked as she power-walks furiously to get to church on time after her prized dog, Princess Lucille, made her late by biting a hole in her Sunday dress - "OH LORDY JESUS, OH SWEET HOLY LORDY JESUS CHRIST! I'M COMING!" Actually she looks exactly like The Farmer's Wife from Babe, I wonder if she ever said 'Lordy'.

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    • JazzBand1797

      Lol, I did get "oh Lordy Jesus" from a comedy of some-sort, and it just kinda caught on to me.

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  • imadragon

    It's normal, you've obviously gotten it from them and you don't mean anything when you say them.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Ermagud you are a freak.

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