Is it normal that i make up stories in my head that seem real?

I make up these stories in my head a lot. Like a new world, people, time frame, everything. And then I act it out in my head. I do it a lot, like really excessively. Most of the time it is one thought that lasts about a week and I will just keep adding to it. I will end up thinking I am the main person in the story I just made up and pretend all of these bad things are happening to me. I do it nearly all day until I fall asleep, I even have to take sleeping pills so I can get my mind to shut up long enough to fall asleep. I get really into it and I will think that what I just made up or was thinking about is real or really did happen. I sometimes can't tell what is real or what is my daydream. I can't seem to get it to stop, is it normal?

Voting Results
80% Normal
Based on 104 votes (83 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • mentalcavewriter

    that's awsome...have you tried writing it all down??? or painting these worlds and events?

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  • Hotsuma_Renjou

    umm i do that before sleep ! :D

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  • Burton1104

    i do that to but i only can get to 3 days before i get board of it.

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  • same thing with me. only thet I have been adding to the same story for a year now...

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  • Trinity9001

    I'm the exact same way. I be been making up this story for a really long time now. I'm the main character and I pretend that really bad things are happening to me. Exactly like you. I thought I was the only one.

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  • Rolie26

    It's totally fine unless you get to into it and you basically set your mind to fantasy!!

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  • v1Rotate

    I do the exact same thing, so in my mind it's normal.But I'm compleatly nuts.

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  • TooTabooForYou

    It sounds like you are just daydreaming and there is nothing wrong with that. I've heard that when people daydream they tend to process and remember things better, so screw what any teacher would say about it. Maybe you should write stories or something and take advantage of these creative thoughts.

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  • miwmiw

    same happens to me :D that means you have nice imagination :)

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  • JosieBBB

    This is exactly the same for me too! Although, they help me get to sleep, it's like reading a book before bed which always makes me tired! And they are completely random people I have never met that I just make up! I'm never in any of the stories. I have done this since I was a child and none of the characters are me but I base them on my dreams and hobbies and what I want to do in life. So I'm guessing it is normal since other people seem to do the same!

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  • baby.girl

    Have u ever thought of being an author? Just sayin...:)

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  • sounds like a dream ;)

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  • horsepower101

    I am constantly doing this. I pretend that I am a sibling of one of my favorite celebrities and basically just plan that life like what they look like, who they date, basically how I want them to be and the life I would like to have if I was really that person in reality. I am just obsessed with doing it.

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  • OMG! I do the same thing! (minus the sleeping pils part). But yeah, if what you do is like me, it's probably a combination of just a good imagination and/or not being satisfied with the real world. I always imagine stories and such, and sometimes even make pencil and paper games out of them.

    I wouldn't worry about it, but if you say it's getting to distractig, maybe you should see a professional about it.

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  • i do that to except my mind is a little different my head is like a video camera it takes videos from were i was last< what i ate of=r who i saw, i remember the first persons face i ever saw when i was a baby. and if i leave something in my room or bathrooms i scan the room with my mind and can find the object that im looking for as long as it hasn't been moved

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  • Lol.... It is normal I do this when I'm bored.

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  • ms_funion

    as long as you can continue to separate reality from fantasy, then I think you're okay

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  • You just have an overactive imagination, that's really not a bad thing unless it gets out of hand.

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  • 123cocobunny

    ur just immature maybe...or ur just creative
    and have a wild a creepy imagination!lolz

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    • nomad4444

      I think I like the latter part more than the former :)

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