Is it normal that i need to lick a pillow people foot?

I feel the need to lick my Pillow People foot every night to fall asleep. I also find that I read/concentrate better on books, movies, etc when I do so. I've Googled this about a hundred times and nothing ever comes up for it except for animals licking things. If you search online for "Pillow People" you will see what I mean. I only lick the satin foot part. I've had about three or four of these pillows in my lifetime (I'm 24) and they came out in the early 80s. Now in 2013 they are getting harder and harder to find. My newest one that I just bought, I spent $25 on eBay for, because I'm pretty sure my boyfriend threw my other one away. (there was nothing but a foot left, and it was falling apart.) So now I have to "break in" my new one, because it tastes like laundry detergent.

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16% Normal
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Comments ( 6 )
  • disthing

    Sounds like OCD or 'magical thinking' (superstition) - that kind of compulsive and irrational behaviour you attribute positive outcomes to (and the failure of which you attribute negative outcomes to). It's not the foot licking itself that improves your concentration, it's psychosomatic; the fact that you have licked the foot convinces you your concentration is superior even though it isn't. You trick yourself into believing it.

    It's unusual, but as I say, it seems symptomatic of OCD or habitual superstition.

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  • OswaldCobblepot

    What the FUCK are you on about?

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  • lnzdkhd

    For some reason (its very soothing) I have licked the corner of my pillow every night since I can remember and often during everyday downtime. I lightly lick the corner and then kind of pat it with my hand until it is dry and then do it again...and in response to the pillow person - I have had the same Garfield pillow case since childhood and it has to be the red side and the corner of the pillow Garfield is laying on in the picture. (i assume its the same idea with your pillow person's foot?!) I also had an ex boyfriend order new (circa 1978) Garfield pillowcases off of ebay because my original one was literally tattered to shreds. It seems so absurd actually trying to describe this odd habit but I do feel a lot better knowing that at least there is someone similar doing the same odd things out there!

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  • Gaddar

    yea its ok i cant sleep without licking my gf's feet. its kinda same.

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  • 2_damgud_4

    So not normal .. Sounds like a comfort thing in some part ..

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  • hopefulregret

    It sounds to me as though you may have some sort of disorder that has taken something you began as a child, likely as a form of comfort (much like sucking your thumb) that has become a compulsion. I've never heard of something like this exactly, but I do know that there is a disorder where people feel they have to eat inanimate objects such as wood, pebbles, etc. This may be something along those lines.

    While it may not cause you any harm, physically speaking, as this is your item and not, say, something you picked up off the street or something, you may want to consider speaking to a professional about it.

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