Is it normal that i never believe anyone likes me?

I have an issue where I really can't tell when someone has feelings for me after one of my friends kind of took advantage of my crush on him and made me think he liked me. It's kind of selective though; if I don't have feelings for you and you act in an obvious way that shows you like me, I make plenty of comments about it and believe it. If I DO have feelings for you and you act in the same way, however, it's like I just don't believe that you could ever possibly feel something like that towards me and you're just being nice, such as in the case of the guy I'm interested in right now. Is it a self-esteem thing? Does anyone else feel this way?

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Frosties

    I don't think it's self-esteem as much as a fear of being hurt again. If you don't have feelings for someone, you have nothing to lose. However, if you do have feelings, it makes you vulnerable. You're scared about being hurt and so you are avoiding a situation that may hurt you.

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  • purplegirl22

    Completely normal. But after a while when you eventually overcome the fear of being hurt again, you should give love a try and let someone into your life. Shutting people out takes its toll after a while, I used to fear being hurt again like you but I got over it.

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    • I guess it's not just the fear of love in general, because I'm totally ready to date people, it's just... I don't believe they want to as well, when all my friends tell me they do. Eh.

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      • purplegirl22

        Hmmm... My best advice to you, is to believe it! Maybe you need to gain more confidence and if you need to confirm that they like you do it, but you should be able to tell that on the first date. Why wouldn't they like you? If you think that you are not worthy of it or something that is nonsense (don't punish yourself). You sound like a nice person that just needs a push in the right direction, and a little more confidence in yourself.

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