Is it normal that i never stop picking at black dots in my skin?

About one year ago, I noticed that there were black dots under my skin, and if I pinched the area, it would come out. The only effect it's had on my skin are occasional scabs that aren't so noticeable that are made when I scratch too hard, though, so others can't really see the problem. I think they're hair roots or something, but ever since, I've spent tons of time picking at those dots, at minimum an hour a day. The longest I've spent is about six hours total, and it's getting really compulsive. Unlike before, I'd freak out if I didn't do it when I wanted, and it makes me feel like there is dirt or spiders under my skin. As a result, I've even started doing it in public when I feel people aren't around. It's really embarrassing, but I know I can't stay calm long without doing it.

Voting Results
31% Normal
Based on 42 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Allistalla

    why do you have black dots ?

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  • Are they specks of shit?

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  • Neapolitana

    Definitely an anxiety disorder. Seek help before you disfigure your face.

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  • OhStevieRaeee

    I did this too and now I have scars on my arms, it's an anxiety disorder

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  • Captain_Kegstand

    Sounds like black heads to me as well. There are tons of products sold in your local store (I live in Walmart myself) that will take care of all of them at once, in a method that is safe and healthy for your skin!

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  • Ashleyloohoo

    It sounds like they're black heads. Everybody gets them, they're normal. But I definitely wouldn't pick at them so much, it can't be good for your skin. Have you thought about trying pore strips? It'll get them all out easily.

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  • Avant-Garde

    See a dermatologist.

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