Is it normal that i never take the dish/utensil on top?

It must have started like, under four years ago, but now it's habitual. I never take the silverware or dish on the very top of a stack (in a drawer, cabinet, whatever). It's not important that I take the second one; it just can't be the first. When there's only one dish, I'll still use it, but I have to admit it does bother me a little bit.

I'm pretty sure it's mainly a germaphobic (technically called "mysophobic," but whatever) habit, but it seems to me that, considering the minimal effort, it's not that weird. Though I will admit I'm probably a bit germaphobic in general. For example, I bet I wash my hands more often than necessary.

Oh, and apparently my grandfather does it too, which was surprising to find out. Are we not alone on this one?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • ineida

    I never use the bit of toilet paper that has been exposed to air on myself.

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    • awerfgaerg

      HAHAHA, I first read that and like, completely didn't understand it. Second later, I realized I do the exact same thing. Didn't think about how similar it was.

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  • Energy

    That's what I do in stores, rofl. Like I'll see something and take the 3rd or 4th one because I feel like to many people touched it or something.

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  • neurotic29

    I ALWAYS take the second of everything. Including food at the shops. I take the one BEHIND the front one.. especially in the freezer/fridge section. I've been told it's mild OCD lol

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  • Dazzie

    I'm the same way. Never thought it was a germaphobic thing. I always though it was normal. For example; when I'm taking a cup out of the cabinet I HAVE to wash it. It's more of a cleaning habit than anything else really.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I sometimes take on a few rows down, but that is because the rest are dirty/dusty. I do that with eating utensils too. Most of them have smudges and leftover food on them>_<

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  • Katywompus

    Well, sometimes I think the top dish has collected dust or something, but really, its clean and was the last one to be put back. Your not nuts, we all have quirks. As for washing your hands, I do all day long. Probably too much.

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