Is it normal that i no longer like halloween?
As I'm already an older man, I have noticed that I have started to grow out of Halloween, it isn't the same way that I experienced it 10 years ago ( I was 8 and now I'm 18 now and back then I used to dress up as a ghost while my brother would be dressed up as a werewolf and my 17 year old cousin would be dressed up as a princess as she was into princesses back then not that any of that matters. ). I plan to sell my old Halloween costumes and give it someone who loves collecting costumes. It was similar how I've talked about how I grew out from certain video games. Sorry if that was off topic but more onto what is actually on topic, the other reason why I feel that I'm no longer interested in celebrating it because it feels childish to me and the more I'm older the more I lose interest in celebrating things.
All we're doing is just knocking on doors and collecting sweets it feels boring to do. At that point I found something better to do than Halloween and that is to plan away what I want to do in life. Whether what I'm telling you is normal or not normal is what my belief says overall about the whole topic that I am talking about.
For me to say the very least Halloween feels really empty and it feels like as empty as an abandoned building that had been abandoned for a year. ( Apology if I've made a weird comparison but I've said it anyways. )
Now that I'm rambling more about Halloween it just seems to me that it also feels pointless to be going at night knocking at doors where kids harass you by knocking on your door it feels daft for anyone to do it and it feels weirder if an older person was to do it.
Since I've now given you most of my points onto why I would say I'm no longer interested in doing Halloween.
Do you think my points sound normal?
And if so to what extent does it sound normal?