Is it normal that i obsessively count letters?

When reading, talking, or watching television, I always feel the urgent desire to count letters in the words of whatever is being read or spoken or heard. I'll also mentally imagine that I'm writing the words or phrases, and I'll count how many times I would have to sharply turn the pencil on the paper without picking it up. Then certain numbers randomly come to mind, and I'll have them stuck in my head like a good song for the remainder of the day, unless a different, better number pops into my head. Is this strange?

Voting Results
23% Normal
Based on 88 votes (20 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • flutterhigh

    Everybody has their particular neuroses, but as long as they don't hinder your life or function, you should be alright. If they are a hindrance, see a therapist. Such things could be an indicator of various disorders - OCD, Asperger's, etc, but you shouldn't be diagnosed on this factor alone.

    When I'm alone I often find myself staring at how objects in a room are placed, and I imagine a bullet or a laser coming from my eyes - then I plot their trajectory as they bounce off of the objects and walls. Is that odd? Sure. Should it matter? No. Does it automatically mean I have a disorder? Absolutely not.

    I actually find such odd ways of thinking pretty fortuitous for my artistic creativity. You can embrace your strangeness without just applying a psychological nickname to it.

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  • walrus101

    oh and I could count the amount of syllables in really long convos like once I counted 100.

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    • lassie.ozzy

      And that is WAY worse?

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  • walrus101

    it's fine. I used to have a WAY worse habit. if anyone was talking, I have and still do have the ability to immediately count the amount of syllables in the sentence the person said. in fact, every time a sentence was ten syllables I would chant "that was 10 syllables what do you know!!" i don't anymore tho.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I used to go through phases where I would do this. I don't know if it's exactly normal. They're allot of conditions that have this as a symptom, not just OCD. If it's not compromising your life, then continue it if it makes you happy.

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  • livinginthrees

    I felt relief when I saw this question as this was what led me to this website. I, too, am compulsed to spell out phrases/words/whole sentences, only i imagine I am typing them on my computer. I find it to be exhausting and consuming and while it doesn't disrupt my life it causes me unhappiness and makes me feel weary. But at the same time maybe it is just a 'strangeness' as flutterhigh says and I should just deal with/embrace it. Anyways, just wanted to let you know that while you may not be normal, you are not alone

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    • lassie.ozzy

      I'm glad. Do you find the abundance of the number 3 in this post odd?
      Your username is "livinginthrees." My question has been voted 23% normal, and there are three comments, other than this one.

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