Is it normal that i only buy girl products?

So i'm a guy and i only buy girl products: mostly shampoo,face wash, deodorant,perfume, lotion and soap.Everytime i go at my girlfriend's house i use her products and at first, she though it was cute, but now she thinks it's kind of ennoying cuz i keep using them. If she really won't let me use them, i gotta go as soon as possible buy the same product to have my own. Everytime i go buy products i always feel nervous because i feel like people are judging me and i feel the need to explain to the cashier that it's a gift for my mom, sister(who does not exist) or girlfriend because it's embarassing for me. I just love the smell of girl products compared to guy products. Some girls say i smell really good but sometimes girls regconize the smell and say they have the same product wich is really embarrasing. Or when people ask me what i use because they like it i always have to lie and say i don't really pay attention to what i use. Some of my friends tease me and say i always smell like girls and i just lie and say it's my natural body odor...

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59% Normal
Based on 51 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • KacyWatson

    You might be transgender.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    The gender of the person using the products shouldn't matter. Ignore your friends criticism. Use whatever you want.

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  • CoLLie94

    My brother is the only guy in our house so by defalt he ends up using our shampoo and body wash when he showers so he alsways smells girly and he never cares and none of his friends notice. If he wanted he could go out to the store and buy his own stuff but he doesn't. He does use guy deodorant though because its supposedly has stronger antipersperents so he doesn't sweat as much when he works out. I think its all in your head so just use what you want and if someone makes a comment laugh it of and say "well at least I smell GOOD!"

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  • Some words of advice, by you explaining to the cashier that's it's a gift kind of makes it obvious that it's not and that it's for yourself because plenty of guys have had to pick up tampons and stuff for their girlfriends which clearly isn't for them and you're only getting deoderant for christs sake lol. You have to realise that you're the only person inside your head and aslong as you don't say anything no one will know.

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