Is it normal that i overthink things and i am very paranoid?!?

Say if I am up the town, and bump into someone by accident, and he says "f***kin watch where you're going"( this really happened) I think about it constantly, even days later and it really annoys me and it makes me want to cry! People are so mean and I can't handle negative comments! If people look at me for longer than 2 seconds I start panicking and wonder what they're looking at. If people talk to me and they can't hear what I just said and they say "pardon" I go really red and hot when I have to repeat myself , I just don't want to appear stupid and constantly wonder what people think of me..I just want to be careless and do what makes me happy but there's something stopping me! 24/7 I'm paranoid and insecure, surprisingly I have never smoked weed and don't drink .. How can I finally be free of myself ?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Captain_Kegstand

    You care too much! Nobody in the world will ever be able to please everyone! Its impossible! Just shrug it off and forget about it, only worry about pleasing the people important to you, and yourself!

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  • Smoke weed. Kidding.

    You need to stop caring what others are thinking about you, or at least cut back on caring so much. You realistically can't expect everyone to treat you the way that you want to be treated, so you must then adjust your reactions.

    And don't make excuses why you can't because you totally can, anyone can.

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  • help_and_advice


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  • Devyn

    I've had a similar problem where I care far too much about what people think of me. It's part of your personality and I don't think there's anyway to change that.

    Normally there are a few core things people worry that other people think about them. Other people's opinions on certain aspects of them really matter to them. In my experience which aspects these are can be changed. So for example at the moment you care about them judging your intelligence, see if you can change that to something else that would worry you less.

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  • sassafrassi

    No...Do you know why your like that? There's always a reason (most of the time..) If there is maybe you can better understand how to fix the problem.

    Like with me, I get anxious making decisions. Even if I know how to do something I have to ask someone if I'm doing it right or I will ask them how to do it. I feel like I'll get in trouble/yelled at if I'm making the wrong choice (or don't do it their way). That's how I felt around my mother when I was growing up. She never let me do anything for myself and I was always afraid that she'd yell at me if I didn't do something her way or the right way because she did.

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  • cooldudejw

    im a bit like that.

    find wisdom and philosophy to guide you through tough times.

    that's what i did.

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  • GuessWho


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  • DumbAss34

    try smoking weed it will help try smoking maybe 2 times a week or something like that it will make you more care free (if your like me) lol

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