Is it normal that i panic when the teacher says find a partner?

When the teacher says find a partner, I start looking at my friends like crazy. I really don't want to be alone, since I usually have great marks people do want to go with me, but I still fear it and sweat and look at everybody like mental hoping they do want to go with me for the report or research or whatever the teacher is about.

I shouldn't get that nervous, but I can't help it.

Does this happen to you? Or you don't care that much?

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Comments ( 40 )
  • RoseIsabella

    I've always preferred to work alone except when it's something I do really poorly.

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  • orangeyy47

    This happens to me a lot. I pretty much always find someone to be my partner every time we need one, but I still panic and signal to my friends whenever this happens! I'd say it's normal. It's just your fear of not having someone, I guess.

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  • DannyKanes

    Nah, I always had the pretty girls join me :D

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Haha thats funny scared about such trivial things.

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  • Memehoney

    I hate working in groups even in college. I prefer assigned groups because I tend to not have classes with my friends and group projects require a lot of talking and sometimes I don't want to talk at all. Plus it's like omg if people choose groups & I'm not chosen I'm a loser ( lol in this class ONLY) but seriously you feel like that at times. But in the workplace it's different I think it's just like that in schools. :)

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  • Mando

    Awww come on -- 18+ please!!!


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    • There's a place called Uni.
      At uni, there are teachers.
      Teachers ask you to find partners.
      I fear it.
      It might be weird for you, but that's why I ask if that's normal.
      That's what this site is about, isn't it?
      Thanks for not being rude.

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      • The_Devil

        Hahahaha! I go to uni too. Such a soul sucking school.

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        • imagirldealwithit123

          i go to uni to!

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          • The_Devil

            Really? Now that I think about it tho, there probably are several unis out there

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      • Mando

        I am sorry. I assumed it to be a much younger person's problem. You are right.

        Perhaps you could pre-arrange your partners beforehand for each class so if something comes up you both know who is your go-to person.

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        • Thanks. I kinda have groups in mind even if the teacher hasn't asked, but I'd feel so bad if one of my friends was left alone too, even if I really don't wanna be alone either. That's why I hate it and I prefer to study alone, like Ningelle said.

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  • dom180

    When this happens it always seems as if I'm sitting with an odd number of friends who all feel the same, so one of us will have to go over to a relative stranger and partner up with them. Usually it's me who does that because I don't mind quite as much, and it's usually mildly awkward but not so bad :)

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  • Ningelle

    I always hated that, mostly because I prefer to work alone. People who prefer to pair up have already mentally chosen a partner, so it's all good for them. I remember the worst used to be when the two quiet kids who didn't latch on to a partner got paired together by the teacher and you'd both sit there silently, or at best agree it was a dumb assignment.

    If it happens now at work I just kind of naturally take over and do a kick-ass job, but I wasn't that secure back when I was in school.

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    • Legion

      that's usually how it was with me, almost everyone else already had a partner, so i was partnered with the other kid who didn't pick. Usually though, i was the only one left after everyone else picked, so one group ended up having one more person than everyone else, or i did it by myself, or with the teacher.

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