Is it normal that i perfer dog companionship over human companionship?
I like being with my dog rather then going out and being with other people. IIN?
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I like being with my dog rather then going out and being with other people. IIN?
DoodooDevil, if you have a problem with my comments, then DON'T READ THEM! Have you ever heard about free speech?
If you are the owner of this site, then ban me. Otherwise, shut the fuck up!
I love chilling with my dog because he's not judgmental, however, I try to make sure that I also hangout with friends so I don't become socially inept...and I just like chilling with my friends too.
Here we go again... Ever heard about tolerance? You are people who make other people hate humans and prefer animals...
Greetings, Dolphin
P.S.: You are despicable and a disgrace!
DooDooDevil: If you have a problem with my comments then DON'T READ THEM!
Ever heard of free speech? If you are the owner of this site, then ban me. Otherwise, shut the fuck up!
I'm free to speak too... And since your comments are pretty impolite it seems I have the right to answer you impolitely too... Got that? Fine!
If you don't want to be told to shut the fuck up, then stop judging others! Whether I'm "tolerant" or not is none of your business and intolerance doesn't make a person "despicable and a disgrace," you ignoramus! As I said, if you don't like my comments, then don't fucking read them!
”that no other human wants to be around them” lol I wouldn't want to be around you