Is it normal that i personify the computer?

I'm always treating the computer like it has a mind of its own. If it gives me an error, i blame it on its attitude, and demand that it get motivated to serve me. Sometimes it hit the computer as corporal punishment. If it immediately gives me an error, i believe that it didn't even try to serve me and i demand that it straighten up. I know that it's all in my head and that the computer, simply follows programming, but i still get very pissed and hit the computer and talk to it. I like to threaten it with hell. I broke my laptop screen on Thursday because it couldn't connect to a network. Is it normal to be like this and get very mad a the computer all the time?

Voting Results
27% Normal
Based on 56 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • bigdata

    normal if for a retarded

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  • riffraffy

    You grew up without learning the personal accountability skill.

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  • mysistersshadow

    Irrational to break your toys.

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  • rayb12

    your choice

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  • FrizzyHaired

    Ask people to help you use your computer. Laptops are kinda expensive, so....

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