Is it normal that i pick at my head all the time?
Okay, so reading the title you might be a little confused. Here’s some backstory. About a year ago, I got super lice.(a harder to kill version of lice) It was a horrible situation and scared me with the thought of bugs being in my hair. Once we finally got it cleaned and taken care of, i started to realize that i would constantly itch my head. So, i had my mom and dad check my hair again to see if i got lice again and, surprise surprise, i did. It’s been more than a year since i’ve had lice and to this day, i constantly itch and pick at my head because i’m scared to get lice again. I pick so much that sometimes i end up with scabs that will bleed, underneath my hair. I’ve tried to research about it but everything just makes me feel like i’m insane to be doing this. I think i’m just parinoid, but i really want to know if this is normal, and if there’s a way to stop it.