Is it normal that i piss when i'm aroused

So when I'm horny I go on porn hub and I usually watch hot teens fondling themselves. It's really hot. Sometimes, when they get their breasts out, I will let my piss flow out because their breasts are so beautiful. I also watch men Masturbating and when they cum I let my piss flow once more. It turns me on So much. Is it normal?

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Comments ( 2 )
  • Ascelin

    Depends on how you judge normalcy. According to this society, no. According to every ancient civilization ever studied, yes. Bisexuality was the norm for humans before a few otherwise insignificant monks in the middle years of the Holy Roman Empire decided that it wasn't natural and spread the idea. And pissing is a pretty common fetish, that's why there's so much porn about it. And as far as you pissing due to arousal, I'd say that it isn't necessarily normal or abnormal. Though many men have difficulty urinating while aroused due to an erection, arousal can also cause the relaxation of various muscle groups in some people, perhaps extending to the muscles around the bladder and upper urethra.

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  • edreams

    yes it is a normal body fuction due to arousal

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