Is it normal that i pitty people who believe in god?

I'm a buddist so i feel compasionate for them, i still have a lot to learn about dharma, but i still think its so silly how blind people can be

Voting Results
56% Normal
Based on 102 votes (57 yes)
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Comments ( 42 )
  • dom180

    I don't believe in patronising religious or spiritual people by saying that I pity them, by calling them "weak", unintelligent or simple-minded, or by calling their beliefs "fairytales" or the like, because that solves nothing. I do try to open their minds, because I believe that if I do they will be glad for it in the future. If they want their minds to remain closed, I will bid them good day and trouble them no further. If they try to disparage my lack of belief, or spread lies about my beliefs, I will correct them. I will *try* not to get angry.

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  • wigsplitz

    You're a Buddhist and can't even spell Buddhist? And can't spell 'pity' AND 'compassion'? You're the one who needs pity. Retard.

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    • RubyCane

      Grammar Nazism Uber Alles!!! XDDD

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  • Boredbastard

    Buddhists were supposed to be all tolerant of all creatures and beliefs?

    ... not really that cool, don't judge other people's beliefs :P

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  • joybird

    Oh No Pleeeeaaassseeeee don't start this boring debate again!!

    Every other bloody post all summer was about religion and God vs Athiests!

    Would you teenie boppers take this to a site that cares?

    Pleeeeaaassseeee. Most of us almost left due to the repetitive nature of this crap.

    Believe what you like. Be happy!

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    • brainssexathlete101

      Oh my. What is wrong with you? Please answer my question on your other comment.
      'Pleeeeeassseee' only comment on things if you have something that is actually constructive. Seriously, if you don't care about these types of things, and find it incredibly boring, why are you even in this section?

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      • joybird

        Before every bloody post and question is about religion!! Go and find the right type of site to discuss religion.

        Actually, this is down to the management who allow religion to take over this site every time a batch of newbies come in.

        I live in N. Ireland and am sick to fuckin death of religion being used as an excuse for badness and evil! My dad was in the navy and they were instructed NEVER to discuss religion or colour - so as not to upset / alienate the people they are with. Please don't use religion to be devisive on this site, again and again and again....

        It's an extremely boring subject among strangers and done to death!!!

        Let's all die and see who's right at the end of the day.

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        • brainssexathlete101

          I have a few questions. Can you explain what you mean by religion being used as an excuse for being bad? Do you mean like religion help sparking wars, or like hitler killing jews?

          Second, I'm sorry to inform you that this is not the Irish navy, we are allowed and able to talk about religion as we please; as it is a subject of interest to many people, both inside and outside of the IIN community.

          I personally am interested in faith and religion, as well as other's views and religions, and am not bored to death by the subject.

          Lastly, seeing who's right at the end of the day. I'm curious as to what you believe, especially since you seem to despise the topic of religion so much.

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          • joybird

            If you know nothing about Ireland - I grew up in the Troubles where Protestants and Catholics (both are supposed to believe in God) murdered people of the opposite religion or just blew up people of both religions while bombing buildings. I also despise Hitler and his killing of the Jews - in order to gain financially and have travelled to Poland a number of times.

            My dad was not Irish, he was English and in the Royal and Merchant Navy. I pointed it out as there has been recent conflict on this site and a number of great people have left due to insults from others etc. Religion is one topic that can turn people on one another. On IIN I'm sure you know what's normal and what's not. There are other sites where you may actually learn something - this is a bunch of teenagers proclaiming to be atheists - as was my dad until the week he was dying of cancer. I withdrew treatment from him. Look at Bear Gryll's quote regarding atheists - he's never met one on a life boat!

            You are only likely to get replies to religious questions by those who are strongly atheist and want to tell everyone about it. Those of us who believe in God are sick to death of these idiotic discussions - as I've said, there have been thousands of them. As dappled said recently, there have been some interesting questions asked recently but if you or the management are going to reduce it back down to "IIN I am an atheist?" Yes / No?

            Who gives a fuck!!!

            More interesting would be... Give examples of when religion has been used as an excuse to take over land / property.

            I do not despise religion per se and have studied Christianity, Judaism and even Buddhism. I do not disrespect anyone's beliefs, I am only saying that this site becomes extremely boring when it's the only topic up for discussion.

            Anyway, do what you want.
            I'll be off to facebook or some other shite site and you can get idiotic replies from other idiotic teenagers. I doubt you will learn anything of value without older members who have been there and done that.

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            • Crudhouse

              Great that you respect other peoples beliefs. I like discussions on religion though. Sometimes I learn a lot of things from the arguments that go on, though I rarely get involved myself.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    Remember, true enlightenment does NOT include putting others down for their own beliefs.

    Harboring such beliefs indicates a possible feeling of superiority to the others you put down or "pity" over their beliefs... and true Enlightenment is not suppose to be about feeling superior over others.

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  • chubbawubba69

    I am an atheist but I do not pity people who believe in God. We are all free to make our own choices in life. If someone chooses to put restrictions on their life because they believe the invisible sky man is watching them there is really nothing I can do about it.

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    • RubyCane

      The man said it all... Every "God" of the world teaches just about the same things as life itself; being honest, respectful, love each other, help those who need it, maintain peace and lots more... So, a common mind is capable of understand and follow all these "rules", with or without the presence of "Gods". All Religions are just a fictional creation of mankind in its desperate struggle to keep walking straight in life, to avoid any "bad" situations and actions by the means of fear of the unknown power that is beyond the man's power! They even sometimes manipulate the crowds!!! So, I feel sorry for the people that blindly choose to be the eternal slaves of a well-written fairytale but, everyone chooses their own path and they are responsible for it...

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      • chubbawubba69

        I try not to pity people for their own personal choices. I get annoyed when some religious people pity me, so I try not to pity others unless they are in a bad situation beyond their control.

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      • brainssexathlete101

        " All Religions are just a fictional creation of mankind in its desperate struggle to keep walking straight in life, to avoid any "bad" situations and actions by the means of fear of the unknown power that is beyond the man's power! They even sometimes manipulate the crowds!!! So, I feel sorry for the people that blindly choose to be the eternal slaves of a well-written fairytale"

        Reread your statement. So what do you believe?

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        • RubyCane

          Brother, I read my statement 3 times in a row and I still can't get your point... Sure, I believe it's all good to "keep walking straight in life, to avoid any "bad" situations and actions" but I definitely don't need no God to teach me that! I was raised and educated both in the schools and in the streets so my knowledge is rich and my concept is fortified. I believe in good and bad, in people's strenth, in pure souls, in bright minds, everything that life taught me from day one... Why do I have to pray and beg unknown devine superpowers for something that I can achieve by my own hard efforts, bro?!

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  • DefinitelyNotNormal89

    I always expect these kinda posts from Atheists but a Buddhist?! You do have an awful lot to learn, including learning to spell key terms just in case you fancy preaching to those people who believe in God.

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  • zchristian

    Like that guy in that TV show said if God dont exsist nothing happens but then if you dont belive in God and he exsist your screwed... But yeah everyone has free will to belive in what they want...

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  • NothingxCrazy

    I don't think there's anything wrong with people following what they strongly believe in just to be happy. I used to think it was foolish, but with time I realize it's better to believe in something to help you get through the day, than hate something that makes your life harder.
    I may not agree with their views, but I definitely won't think they're wrong and that they don't deserve a brain.

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  • squeeshy

    Well I'll be lookin down on you while you're going to hell

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  • admirer

    I used to hate them.
    Then, I pitied them.
    Now, I don't think about them much, or care.
    Zen & the art of total fucking destruction, baby. :)

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  • MooseMan91

    Why pity morons? I just left my emotions at the door with these people a long time ago. Especially since it would be hard to live in this country if I still had pity, anger, and frustration towards them. I just focus on my own life and let the rest go about their way.

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  • spoon4d

    Im an atheist and i personally believe that all those faiths are only made so people who have no hope left would have something to fill in the gap in their life and to keep them going.

    I don't believe in God, Buddha, Allah, or anything like that, to believe i would have to see it or have a clear divine intervention in my life.

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  • alv1592

    What is pitty?
    And, Buddhist means you believe in Buddha, right? In other words, you believe in a god. Every religion believes in a god (except atheism, if it counts as a religion). Some even have more than one god. I myself am a Catholic, I believe in God/Jesus but I won't put anyone down for having different beliefs.

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    • White187

      Buddhist don't believe in Buddha being a god, merely an enlightened teacher.

      Buddha never wanted Buddhism to be a religion in the first place, in fact calling it a religion is totally wrong as it's more of a philosophy.

      That said, i've never understood why people feel the compulsion to have imaginary friends well into adulthood. It's probably just another coping mechanism, if evil doesn't have an outside source then we'd have to accept that we are the source and work on it. It's much easier to blame a mythological creature.

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    • alv1592 people get on me and dislike my comments just for saying something? This is totally irrelevant, but Kate Nash sucks. Just throwing it out there.

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      • yeah kate nash sucks, that we can agree on. you said Buddha is a god, religions can be monotheistic, polytheistic or non theistic, so thats why i disliked it.

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  • I happily believe in the faith of "I have no idea what the fuck happens after I die, so I'll figure it all out when I do" open-mindedness is key.

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  • andrestca

    I should re state my question, Is it normal that i feel sorry for people who blindly believe on what a religion tells them, and judge other people because they don't follow them? I'm still growing and learning, no need to be hostile to me. This is not about spelling either, my english sucks because It is not my native language. I shouldn't call myself a buddhist either, that was a mistake, i don't practice, i just agree with their view on life.

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    • yourenottheonlyone

      You clearly are very nieve about religion. If you did your research, there is more than enough evidence in the Bible and other research material to jusity what is said in the Bible is true, and biblical events actually happend. Do your research before criticizing religion because you're only making yourself look 'silly' and 'blind'.

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    • PumpkinKate

      You just stated an opinion, and as not everyone shares the same opinions, sometimes people will react negatively. Don't sweat it!

      In my opinion, people that blindly believe what a religion tells them (or the media, or any other source) are not being strong willed enough to form their own opinions and thoughts. I see this as a weakness. It's the easy way out, and doesn't lead to personal growth. Judging people because of it is simply the product of that weakness.

      If more people sought their own enlightenment, stuck by what they believed in and saw differing opinions and beliefs as something that could enrich their own, the world would be a better place! I wouldn't necessarily feel sorry for them or pity them, but it's always a hope of mine that they will grow!

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  • ezrakoenig

    I don't think it's fair to pity people who believe in a god, it's their choice.

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  • UsernameNotAvailable

    I kind of do because religion is similar to slavery. I don't believe in any religion whether there is a god involved or not. I just believe that we have a creator whether it is a person or an alien or something else. I'm grateful to live in this world. I believe it's been created perfectly.

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  • I'd say it's not normal to "pity" someone because their religion.

    It's more "common" to hate or admire someone for their belief but pity i would say not normal.

    You see wars started over religion but nobody ever displays pity (giving someone a few bucks, i think, would display pity).

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  • squeallikeasacofpigs

    Get your own arse

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  • Dad

    Religious Ridiculous

    Back to life here on Earth.

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  • flutterhigh

    Yeah, I remember my first semester at college too.

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    • derker

      hahahaha My thoughts exactly.

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  • pogos

    I believe there is a kingdom of talking apples you go visit after death.

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  • dappled

    They seem to be happy enough in their faith, so I'm happy for them. Even if they pity me.

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  • Rufus

    Buddha is nothing but a big, fat, fuck.

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    • dont forget lazy, thats why we can all relate to him.

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