Is it normal that i plan on switching my cat to this diet?
I plan on switching my cat to a diet featuring all natural raw prey animals. I'm going to buy a big bag of mice, a big bag of baby chicks, and a big bag of baby quails and start feeding my cat this diet from now on. I'll probably find more things to add to her diet with more research.
The truth is that dry food is full of grains and has no place in the diet of an obligate carnivore. This high carb diet so many cats are on can lead to diabetes and other health problems. The very low water content of dry food is also a big problem. Cats need to consume water that's IN their food to be hydrated. Cats have a low thirst drive and won't drink enough water even when it's missing in their food. This dehydration can lead to terrible disorders, such as bladder inflammation and kidney disease.
The sad thing is that even most vets are being bamboozled by this bad science. It's all about profits, no legitimate research. Think about it, cats aren't humans so it's easier to get away with. Also, grains are much cheaper than meat. This leads to cats and lots of other pets receiving poorer nutrition than they deserve.
Some argue that possible bacteria found in raw food is too dangerous. Cats' digestive systems are very different, so they don't get sick from raw meat easily. I argue that the risks from a completely unnatural, grain filled diet is far worse.
It's simply common sense. The closer your pet's diet is to mother nature, the healthier it will be.