Is it normal that i plan on switching my cat to this diet?

I plan on switching my cat to a diet featuring all natural raw prey animals. I'm going to buy a big bag of mice, a big bag of baby chicks, and a big bag of baby quails and start feeding my cat this diet from now on. I'll probably find more things to add to her diet with more research.

The truth is that dry food is full of grains and has no place in the diet of an obligate carnivore. This high carb diet so many cats are on can lead to diabetes and other health problems. The very low water content of dry food is also a big problem. Cats need to consume water that's IN their food to be hydrated. Cats have a low thirst drive and won't drink enough water even when it's missing in their food. This dehydration can lead to terrible disorders, such as bladder inflammation and kidney disease.

The sad thing is that even most vets are being bamboozled by this bad science. It's all about profits, no legitimate research. Think about it, cats aren't humans so it's easier to get away with. Also, grains are much cheaper than meat. This leads to cats and lots of other pets receiving poorer nutrition than they deserve.

Some argue that possible bacteria found in raw food is too dangerous. Cats' digestive systems are very different, so they don't get sick from raw meat easily. I argue that the risks from a completely unnatural, grain filled diet is far worse.

It's simply common sense. The closer your pet's diet is to mother nature, the healthier it will be.

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64% Normal
Based on 11 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 38 )
  • Shackleford96

    Interesting perspective you have presented there. I am inclined to agree.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    I really don't know if there are any drawbacks to this. I have Bengals and I know the foundation cats are fed raw chicken wings.

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    • beautywithapast

      Chicken thighs (ground) are better for cats. wings are too high in the meat to bone ratio. You should take 20 chicken thighs take the bones out of 5 of them, chop those up, and then grind the other 15 with bones in a grinder, add vitamins. and then stir together. that way your cat has chunks to get the jaw muscles worked from and the bones ground up for the calcium.

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  • chp316

    I do Agree that an all dry food diet is not good for your cat, however, i would not be going out and buying Big bags of live Animals to grind up. This is not humane by anyones standards. you can buy cheap cuts of meat at the grocery store, or just start reading the labels on the cat food cans, there are better cat foods out there, at a price of course.

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    • Big bags of LIVE animals!? Where on earth did you get that! LOL I'm sorry, no, frozen of course! They don't sell BAGS of LIVE animals anywhere that I know of. The DEAD, FROZEN animals I will be buying have been raised and killed in the most humane way possible. They are killed by being exposed to carbon monoxide until they fall asleep forever. It's a simple, painless death. I also have no intention of grinding them up. Like Chillpill said, it is good for them to crunch through the bones.

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      • Allistalla

        Your wrong about that they do sell live animals they give you them in little boxes or a plastic cup thing . you go to the pet store they give you live feed in the pet store . This is a norm for most pet stores they have live pets on display , they have chips for your animal beds and for animals poop on and dry and wet and canned food. Than they have a section that says Live animal feed . That is a section with live animals ment to be eaten . Since som pets eat live prey like snakes. Also I do not own a snake but ive been to the pet store .

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        • I know that you can buy live animals for feeding, but you typically don't buy big bags of live mice or baby chickens. Fish, yes, but not animals like the ones I described.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Try Arcana. It has all the nutrients kitty will ever need and it's based of their natural diets.

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    • I looked it up, and it does look interesting. I'm not sure how the dry food is made and whether or not nutrients are lost during the drying/cooking process, but it seems worth looking into. Thanks.

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      • Avant-Garde

        Glad to be of service:)

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  • BlackDays

    I feel the same about dog food. They don't need the crap that's in there

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  • Chillpill

    A friend of mine has started doing this. I think it's mainly raw chicken wings and maybe thighs. She says it's could for her teeth to nibble on the bones. I'm not sure if she uses raw meat exclusively now or still sometimes feeds her organic cat food. She thinks most brands are junk food for cats, lol.

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    • chp316

      Please tell your friend to please consider not feeding the chicken bones to their cat. I can't stress this enough, chicken bones tend to splinter, and get stuck in the cats throat. Not to mention getting stuck in their gums and causing abceses & Infection. Thanks.

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      • That's with cooked chicken bones. Cooked chicken bones are all brittle, so yes, they splinter. Raw chicken bones however are still all moist and aren't dried up, so they don't do this.

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        • chp316

          I hope you are right, but there is no need to take chances with your pets health. Cats are not like dogs, they do not need to be eating bones.

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          • Why do you assume that? Cats naturally devour their whole prey. It's natural for them to eat the bones, though I think with a chicken wing they may just chew most of the meat off and just eat some of the bone, which is quite soft and not likely to splinter because the fibers in the bone are very moist still. Just because we have this stereotypical image of a happy dog gnawing on a bone in our heads' doesn't mean that cats don't do the same thing.

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            • chp316

              These are not BIG cats out in the wilds of Africa, for the most part, these are tame house cats. You are free to do whatever you feel you need to do, or feel is right. As for me, i have been a Witness to seeing first hand what bones do to cats, and it's not a pretty sight.

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    • Allistalla

      they are but to feed them the really good stuff you have to rich and would proboly not be able feed self to pay for all it.

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      • It does cost more to feed them the good stuff, but you shouldn't have to pay a fortune for it as long as you shop smart. Buying in bulk is always a good idea, and some research and price comparing can go a long way. Buying stuff online may help, too.

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    • It's true, most brands are basically just meat flavored cereal.:/

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  • emilydoll

    I feed my cats wet and dry food everyday they eat the meow mix wet food cups please don't do that... It seems like it could be bad

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    • Allistalla

      This is bad , becuase animals infact need some grain and vegitables to help thier digestive track . Also if you feed them raw food they get worms I do not know why it is they get worms but they do and mine got worms 3 times after I fead him raw stake . I do not understand how their bodys can nolonger digest raw food but the vet siad raw meat is what makes them sick when i stopped this my cat stopped getting sick . Also I have a cat it started getting sick from wetfood so I only give it too him every 3 days now and he seems okay with just dry but he gets sick anytime I feed him anything beside dry . however he seems to be ok with butter, cheese and cream . However he will not toach milk I have no idea why he liked butter so much but he love butter cooked egg and he LOVES TUNA .

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      • No, they really don't need any grains at all except perhaps what they find in the stomach contents of their prey. I'm sorry, but it's a lie from the vet because of what the pet food companies keep telling them. It's all about profits and not about science. Putting grains and vegetables in pet food=more money because it's less expensive than meat.

        They CAN digest raw food and they do so very well. As for the worms, I don't know exactly. It's possible that your pet got them from another animal from being outside. It's important to make sure that the meat they eat is high quality, and preferably a prey animal that they could hunt in the wild I think. I don't think that beef and steak is ideal for cats.

        As for your cat and wet food, it could be the brand. Maybe it contains some kind of allergen? It may also just be change because he's used to dry food, cats do take a while to adjust to new things.

        Also, be careful about the dairy and tuna. Many cats are lactose intolerant. Not all, but many of them. Tuna should be a rare treat because of it's mercury content. It can also be very oily and salty depending on the brand.

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        • Allistalla

          Well nevermind apperently they only get worms from cow becuase they dont naturaully eat cow . Also my cat never go outside i auctully think he is scarred to so I know my kitty will never run away .

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          • beautywithapast

            cats shouldn't be fed fish, because of its high toxin levels, they should be fed off of small prey, however it is cheaper and just as okay to feed them off of turkey, and chicken which resemble that of their natural prey. Meats should be frozen for 3 days before feeding to kill parasites. and if you are feeding chicken and turkey, be sure to add it calcium because most cats will not eat the bones of these animals due to to their large size, and the bones are where they get calcium and much needed vitamins, so vitamins should be added as well.

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    • It's different from what is taught. The only reason it seems okay to feed a cat this kind of diet is because the pet food corporation has brainwashed the veternarians, and they have passed this belief onto the public. I understand your concern, but I urge any animal lover to seriously look into this topic more. It could be the difference between a long, healthy life and one that is interupted by disease.

      However, it is good that you also feed them wet food. I don't know how healthy meow mix wet food is, but it's atleast better than only feeding them dry.

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  • "oh no it's another cat fucker"

    "a what?"

    "a cat fucker, oh man they make me sick, there are a couple on this site i frequent...seriously they fuck their cats!"

    "omg shouldn't you do something?"

    "I've been trying, no one will believe me"

    "oh man thats messed up"

    "your telling me man, why do they have to fuck them, it's just horrible"

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    • chp316

      Go away, you are a twisted up mess!

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    • Sorry, but us cat lovers will never die.:)

      I don't know whether you like dogs or not, but maybe I should add that I think they should also eat a raw meat diet. Also obligate carnivores(NOT omnivores, despite popular myth), they should also thrive on a raw diet. Probably not one of small prey animals, though.

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      • As long as you can stop raping it from now on, im happy. You disgusting cat molester.

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        • chp316

          Are you raping your cat? TWISTED FUCK!!

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          • I'm trying to stop these cat molesters, but they won't listen.

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