Is it normal that i play games this "much"?

At weekends I play on the computer and on the PlayStation 3 for like 10 sometime 12 hours a day.From Monday to Friday I play 6,7 hours daily.Im not saying I do not have any friends or I do not do any sports and I do not have a social life.I have all that.But I play this much only on the holidays because i finished primary school and in September I go in high school and I will not have the time to play video games because I will have to study hard.
So,is it normal?

Voting Results
55% Normal
Based on 42 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Your catching up on your gaming hours you didn't have when you were studying for school. I say normal. What games do you play?

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  • black127

    Yeah it's pretty normal nowadays.

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  • m4r1n

    A lot of them.
    Mostly I play COD2,COD4,Modern Warfare 2,Resistance 2,God of War 3,Killzone 2,Dragon Age:Origins,Left 4 Dead,Hal Life 2...

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    • alanieundead

      I play all of those, everyone add my gamertag on xbox 360 live. gamertag- alanieundead

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      • DaydreamBeliever

        I was going to ask, "How did you know it was an xbox?" But then I saw the L4D.

        I love my ps3, but damn. :(

        I'd buy an xbox for that game if I wasn't able to go mooch around to my friends and play it there.

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  • Xan_11

    But if you have fun doing it, not the end of the world.

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  • DaydreamBeliever

    I think a lot of people are like that. :)

    Don't worry too much about high school, either.
    It's great to see that you're conscientious about studying and whatnot, but it's not that bad. There'll be more than enough time to enjoy yourself and play games.

    Personally, when I start a game, I get impatient and wanna see what happens and how it ends asap- so I wait for a break in my uni schedule and cram it, haha.

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  • Xan_11

    Might be a little much, but if yo

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