Is it normal that i play imaginary games by myself

I've been doing this my whole life.. i enjoy creating characters and fantasy games, i plan out the persons life, where they live, what they do, who they know ect. (this is just for example) then i start to prented or act as if i was that person and while i am acting like this i will answer myself as a different "character" I understand that i am just acting and its not as if i believe i am these people its just something i do to pass time i start to get into it and before you know im having full conversations between 17 and i know i should be over the whole make believe things....anyways....

wow is this normal??

Voting Results
88% Normal
Based on 149 votes (131 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • tomo1989

    Hey mate, so thrilled to see so many others in the same boat.. Im 21 and have always played since before I can remember, complete and utter freedom to pretty much play out an entire action film, dialogue, back stories, explosions and car chases etc, also what future aspirations I have and exactly what I want to happen played out right in front of my eyes (I use fast paced finger movements which seem to stimulate my eyes to weave the ideas in my imagination into a completly co-ordinated vision - its amazing what comes up. What I have found is that the more you work and hang out with friends the less you'll play, (god knows how embarresing it is to be walked in on) but the urge does come back and its fun, so why not? Sometimes I wish I had a recorder to describe what id just created in my head after a sesh because man would it make a good movie... either way like adamtrask said if it doesnt effect your 'real' life and responsibilites then have fun with it, youll never get bored.

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  • normally11

    Imaginary? Dude, i fight enemy ninja everyday. -.-

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  • ashcull15

    IM exactly the same ..........u no wat i ve created a guy out of my own....i play his voice his likes dislikes emotions,his problems.....his family..,,friends but i think its abnormal for me because it affects my studies,family,mood and SLEEP,, strongly addicted to it and tend to continue dis game for hours wid a mate its fun but dangerous A HUGE WASTAGE of time....however, useful in writing compositions and arts!

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  • This is the only way i can get to sleep. My stories tend to be quite dark because my life is too boring so I create dramatic stories in my mind to make it more interesting. I am so glad to see how many other people do this, I feel a lot less crazy now. :)

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  • CAL

    I've wondered this for a long time. I've dropped hints to my friends but never asked them being to embarrassed that I was the only one. I make up characters alot but I also have ones that have been with me for years and I've developed them in detail, not to mention an whole different world. It's a brilliant escape and I love to go there.

    : )

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  • leshawn

    Thank god I'm not the only one... Usually I do fast paced action sequences, ie:naruto,dbz, etc. I like to create a place,people,background,traits etc. But your completely normal! :D

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  • randomjelly

    You are lucky to have such a wonderful imagination! All true artists and inventors share the same trait. I'm 31 and still use my imagination all the time! Don't change!

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    • NorieGa83

      I am 33 and STILL DOIN' IT! I agree with you all! We don't have to change, we are all right!

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  • oogliebooglie

    I do it too. :) you should write a novel!

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  • chillyboy88

    You should work in the Video game industry. You sound like you would make exceptional storylines.

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  • WyvernFlames

    I do it. Exept I do things like complex naruto/fight style scenes (not with naruto characters though). I create back grounds for them all and what role they play. Usually a amazing main character is me xD.

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  • swagblack

    So do I. Don't you think it's a fabulous way to relax. I enjoy it when I began to imagine in my own world.
    But there is one and only difference between us is that I often play imaginary game in the world of web gaming. All my imagination are based on the background of the game. For example, if I'm playing such kind of game like The Wars, which lies in The Three Kingdoms Period, I will imagine myself as one of grand officers. That's really interesting, though I feel it is not normal sometimes.
    Anyway, Who will care?

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  • Lucius

    I do this all the time, and I'm 18. I like to think it's just a kind of output for our creativity...a way to "release" it. I do exacly what you do, I make up characters and give them background stories...then I "become" the characters and have full fledged conversations with myself haha. So at least if you aren't normal, we can be not normal together!

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  • Adamtrask

    Actually, as long as this doesn't interfere with your personal life or your job or school, I think it sounds like you are a very intelligent and creative (perhaps even gifted) person. It sounds to me like you are playing out different scenarios in your mind, and that you have a real gift of empathy.

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