Is it normal that i play with my ears in a very odd way?
I have had an odd habit involving my ears since I was seven years old. I have been trying to find some information on this habit on the Internet, but I have not been able to find any. I put one of my clean fingers into my mouth and then I spread the saliva on the back of my ear. I usually do this to my right ear but sometimes I do the left. When I feel like it is sweaty or sticky enough I press my lobe and cartilage down against my head/neck. I hold it there and press as hard as possible, to the point where I am squeezing it. Now here's where it gets really gross. It feels like the saliva is bubbling back there. It makes a sound that sounds similar to a fart, but it feels like it is blowing bubbles. Then I like how the sticky ear gradually peels off of my head/neck. I do it in bed at night or whenever I get board or nervous. I really like how it feels, but it is actually really gross. Am I the only one in the world who does this?
Note: I don't always use saliva. If it is hot out, sweat will work just fine. One time I used Elmer's glue, and that was really amazing! I am experimenting with goos to make my ear sticky in the back for bigger bubbles and fart noises. LOL!!!