Is it normal that i pluck small fabrics from my pockets and cloth?

I have this awfully annoying habit that I always pluck small fabrics from anything around me. Mostly its the small pieces of fabric that are present in your pockets. I have my hand in my pocket and I pluck them out as if I am cleaning my pocket or so. This does not stop at pockets, I also do this on any piece of cloth that has small fabric snippets on. It is mostly in pockets and it started there, but the snippets decreased in my pockets so I find other places. I also do this with my socks sometimes. Just plucking stuff off any clothes I'm wearing. Does it have any physiological significance? If anybody has any insight please share.

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82% Normal
Based on 44 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • RoseIsabella


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  • RomeoDeMontague

    What is with this site and adding "asdfadsf" at the beginning of everything?

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  • jeebley

    Sounds like you're preening yourself!! Probably because you have bird blood in you or were a bird in a past life. It could be a sign of anxiety or part of a courtship ritual. Preen on you crazy diamond!

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  • Sunshine:)

    Yes, the search bar would let you know that this is normal.

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