Is it normal that i pretend i am pregnant?

I know it is not exactly the most common thing to do in one's spare time but I like to ace wrap a pillow to my stomach and pretend I am pregnant. I do it rather often and am quite embarrassed by it. Does anybody else do this? I figure a lot of people like to pretend they are pregnant but do any act it out? Thank God for doors and drapes.

thought about it 1
very bizarre 3
bizarre 4
completely normal 3
Done it before 2
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Comments ( 2 )
  • Shackleford96

    If a guy ever told you that he's never tucked his penis between his legs in front of a mirror before, he's probably lying.

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  • Frosties

    I do it and I'm not even female. God knows how I'm going to breastfeed cushion-baby when it is born.

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