Is it normal that i pretend to be cooler than i am..when i'm alone?

It started when I was like 11 or 12 (I'm 20 now) I would close the door of my room, blast my music and dance in front of my mirror and then I started pretending I was famous and sing to the crowd (my mirror) and eventually I would imagine myself in social situations and pretend to be like the super cool kid that everyone loves and thinks is so hip and cool.....I'm not outgoing in public and I rarely dance.

btw I still do this..Normal?

Voting Results
87% Normal
Based on 69 votes (60 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • hottyhottness

    Thats really funny because I do that all the time! Trying channeling the super cool persona you have! people would love it and see your change!

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  • blndgrl18

    haha i do that sometimes too. i'm pretty shy in social situations, unless i know the people whom i am around. when im alone i'll blast my music and dance like im the hottest girl in the club, and when i'm getting ready i'll like talk to myself in the mirror and tell myself how hot and cool i am.

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  • Dempsy

    Totally normal! I always dance it up in front of a mirror you gotta see if its good ya know? been doing that since I was a young bboy : )

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  • iLOVEmaxxieoliver

    Hahahah i do this too... I talk to myself sometimes and i realize it would be fun to actually be like this all the time.. i think "ok remember to act like this during school" but, i never do... ;]

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  • deepthought33

    I do this all the time. Music really brings it out of me. I don't get up and do a full on dance--that will just result in me laughing outloud at myself. But I do get in this state of mind where I feel seductive and undeniably charismatic. I'll sort of look off into nothing but I'll be imagining that those eyes are on people around me, my head will turn up, I'll sprout a smile and my confidence will feel as though it can't be contained.

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  • BrightEyes

    This is pretty funny. But I would think it's normal since we all would like to try at least once to be something we're not. Like cool. :)

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  • Scully


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  • hotchickie81

    I'm the same way :)

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  • Mastersash

    hilarious. you're not normal. get ur toolbox out and fix that shit...

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