Is it normal that i pretend to be famous
is it normal that I pretend to be famous? I always pretend that I am famous doing interviews and pretending to have albums and records and stuff and I always love singing but I am shy to sing for people ?
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is it normal that I pretend to be famous? I always pretend that I am famous doing interviews and pretending to have albums and records and stuff and I always love singing but I am shy to sing for people ?
ive been playing drums for a good 8 years and i play live at a bar i feel like i have my little night of fame its great i meet so many new people, if you love to sing you should try performing dont hold yourself back i used to be scared and nervous to play infront of peope, my first time i was like sweating lol and i was oh my god but i forced myself and after the first song its perfect from there you get really comfortable but now im always confident
hay its not funny to preted to be famous i know you wish you could be me liveing the good life eating only fancy meals but your not you see i am jackblack i just look smaller in persob is all an i dont sound like him cause i got kneed in the nuts an i was alway spanish you just never looked closly enough to see my real skin color ...see its not beliveable i hope your not pretending to be some one like megan fox its not normal its childish an lies will eventully crumble what if some asks you to hear some of your music
LOL that is hilarious. If ppl are gullible enough to believe it then go for it and get some free shit. Sign some autographs. I have a friend who looks like Penelope Cruz and when she was in London some guy INSISTED that she was her even though she was honest and said she was not. He kept hounding her and she autographed for him to get him to leave her alone.
I do that too! lol And in my small town, I really do feel like I'm famous cause everyone knows who I am, and I can't go anywhere without running into someone I know or who knows me (or my family). But yeah, when I look in the mirror, I often pretend to be someone famous.
if you are under 15 sure. its normal. buuut when you get alittle past that... try and visit reality asmuch as posible.
If that is your dream then by all means chase it. but if it just something that you do... its alittle weird, not going to hurt anyone though.