Is it normal that i procrastinate on technology and hate it?

I just always procrastinate with technology. Right now I am procrastinating. I don't understand why technology has permeated my life to the point where I can't go a day without going on my iPod for fear of losing a "snap streak" with my best friend, which totally couldn't matter less in the grand scheme of things. I find myself watching videos more and not getting shit done. it's so bad. is this normal and how do i UNPLUG???

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63% Normal
Based on 35 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • LeMiserable

    Same here, for no reason.

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  • JustADreamer

    Aaah I have the same problem! I procrastinate all the time on IIN, playing games, and searching up random stuff on Google. It's a really common problem in this era. Anyway, I think you could try making a schedule for yourself, blocking out time for whatever work you need to do, and giving yourself time limits for internet stuff.

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  • qualityaristocrat

    "No evil can result from its inhibition more pernicious than its toleration."

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  • pineappleguineapig

    lol. A couple decades ago you'd have been procrastinating with television. Before television was common, you'd have been procrastinating with books.

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  • Rusty-Rider

    Me too. I hate it when the punch-card reader eats a card and I have to re-type the card. It really slows things down, even with the the new 1200 baud modem.

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