Is it normal that i pull out my eyelashes?

I know that there is a clinical name & diagnosis for what I do (trichotillomania), however, I often feel alone in my bad habit. I am obsessed with my eyelashes & pull them when I am bored or nervous. They are long, curly & beautiful when left alone, but when one curls out of place or I get upset, I pull at it or at them! The more I pull, the better the sensation feels. It is not pain, but a strange soreness/sensitivity. In 8th grade, I pulled all the lashes out of my right eye before camp due to anxiety! As an adult, I can hide bald spots with makeup & mascara, but I still pull! I'm I normal or should I seek medical attention? I would like to add I have never had an infection & my dream is to someday wear contacts. Please refrain from making nasty comments if possible. I am very sensitive about this! Thanks & blessings.

Voting Results
38% Normal
Based on 66 votes (25 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • TheAnimeFangirl

    it's okay,i find myself doing it too!

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  • I don't pull out my eye lashes but sometimes my hair. Never out of stress, just the coarse ones. Doesn't matter, I have too much of it anyway.

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  • feomi

    I think the fact that there is a fancy medical name for it means that it's not normal.

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  • dappled

    I'm pretty sure you're not alone. Even if someone people on IIN don't respond to you because they want to protect their anonymity.

    I play with my hair when I'm stressed. During a particularly stressful time at work last year, me and my friends noticed my hair getting thinner on one part of my head. It's grown back normally now.

    As for you, treatment is available if you want it to be treated. I wish you all the best!

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  • Bluerose1

    I do the same thing sometimes. If i have one slightly higher than the rest i will pull it out and usually get a whole bunch with it

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  • Jayy

    No! Not normal. If it was normal you wouldn't be born with eyelashes in the first place. So stop pulling them out.

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  • professionalstoner

    I used to suffer from this too! I was in my early teens when I did it, and my mom started getting mad at me because she could see where I was missing lashes (I would pull from the outer edge of my eye). Her nagging drove me to stop, and 6 weeks later my lashes had grown back in. I don't think it's dangerous, but stopping would probably be for the best. You probably do it subconsciously out of stress.

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  • yeah but it seems pretty addictive...ive done it a few times and i just try not to do it no matter what. not worth it! find a better hobby + save ur eyelashes

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  • Missme19

    It's totally normal. My best friend does it because she likes the feeling. I don't see anything wrong with it. It's almost like an obsession for her. It helps her relieve stress and makes her feel good.

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