Is it normal that i pull out my eyelashes every three weeks?

For some reason, I feel great relief when pulling out my eyelashes when under a great deal of stress. I only pull out my eyelashes probably every two weeks. I never pull enough out (although I count and I usually pull out 15 hairs at a time) for gaps to show, but the habit is so relieving that I resort to it when feeling overwhelmed with school and work. Sometimes I have actually gotten styes from pulling too much. Though I have no gaps, my eyelashes are very short, nothing like they were when I was sixteen. Would I legitimately have trichotillomania (sp?), even though the pulling only occurs every few weeks? I have a psychiatrist's appointment in the next two weeks (as I'm getting treatment for bipolar disorder) and I've been worried about discussing this habit for a while.

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Comments ( 11 )
  • leeleebee

    This is definatly trichotillomania, and its alot more common than its made out to be - just most people affected by it are too embarrased to talk to their gp about it. I've suffered with trich for 9 years now - since i was nearly 11. and its normal with this to pull out hairs from any part of the body including eyelashes, private parts and fingers as well as hairs on your head, i started pulling at my head near the crown then lashes, eyebrows, and fingers. with trich it often starts by using hair pulling as a release for difficult emotions, which sounds like what you've been doing. but then it can simply turn into a habit. its a form o ocd. so dont let people who say it sounds like mental illness freak you out, its easily treated either with therapy or a low dos f od medication depending on the severity of the disorder. Its definatly worth telling someone, becuase the more often you do it the more hair you end up having to pull to get the feel of release for stress. i wish i'd spoken to my gp about it long ago when i wasnt pulling as much or as frequently. i've permanently damaged my lashes, eyebrows and the hair near the corwn of my head grows back wirey and thicker as its adapted over the years to try and be stronger to cope with the constant pulling.
    Hope this helps - feel free to message me if you need any advice :)

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  • Shnaz

    You'll feel even better if you just go ahead and pull your eyeballs out.

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  • Hellokittyprettygirl

    That is not good for your eyes and it sounds painful its not normal if you have stress try something relaxing like get a massage or do some yoga

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  • m.a.s97

    It sounds like you have trichotillomania

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  • lufa

    eyelashes are designed to protect your eyes and they look good too. I concur with others, seems like some kind of mental issue, would be good to see a therapist about it.

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  • Blablababe

    I don't really think it is very normal. I've heard of pulling out your hair when you are stressed but never your eyelashes. Get some help or you might damage your eyes. :)

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  • footprints

    I saw this condition on "embarrassing bodies" i cant remember what its called, but its a psychological thing.. You should prob get some help..

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I'd imagine that would be quite painful.

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  • drugsrbadmkay

    See a doctor

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  • iEatZombies_

    You should definitely discuss this with your psych. It's difficult for sure, but nobody can help you if they don't understand you.

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  • kelili

    My dad does that too and once he pulled all of it out until there was nearly none left. He has some problems too and sees a psychiatrist.

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