Is it normal that i quit school because i thought people knew my lies?

I went to school very paranoid, because I had a habit of lying. For example, I used to tell certain people that I was the most popular kid in school and I was afraid that someone would find out how crazy I was to say that. Everyone knew I was completely nothing as far as popular goes. So is it normal that I completely quit school because I thought people knew about all of my lies?

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28% Normal
Based on 29 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Is it normal that I don't believe you?

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    • Shimmers

      You don't have to believe me, I know that i'm telling the truth or else i wouldn't be on this website.

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  • That's the thing about lying; it keeps on growing and growing, until it's as plain as the nose on your face.

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  • ۩۞۩


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  • I kind of have to agree with roseIsabella on this one. You mention in your post how you're a pathological liar, yet you except anyone on this site to actually buy into your story and give advice when they're probably wasting their time, fueling the, well, whatever pathological liars need fueled.

    I knew a lot of pathological liars back in highschool, and funny enough, they made up the same kind of stories, that they quit school for some strange reason when all it was was that they were lazy or their parents couldn't afford school fees anymore. Anything to make their lives seem alittle more dramatic and interesting than it really is.

    And lastly, for a moment, I'm going to entertain your idea of leaving school because you lied about being popular, and ask why the hell you would like about something so stupid? If I were a pathological liar, I guess I would pick something way cooler to lie about. Popularity lasts about as long as your highschool carreer if that long. Popularity means absolutely jack shit once you enter the real world.

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    • TrustMeImLying

      Im sorry but this may be the most elaborately ignorant and one-dimensional post I've seen on IIN. It's in the same territory as asserting the opinion "anyone who cuts themself does it for attention"

      Do you not realize that for some people "parents cant pay fees" or "being lazy" may be more embarrassing than any other "strange" reason? They would lie about anything else than tell the truth, which in their mind is more dramatic than the lie.

      And the "If I were a pathological liar" part made me cringe. It's like saying "if I were schizophrenic, I'd just ignore the voices cause I know they aren't real." The word pathological is loosely synonymous with "compulsive." If people could be rational with their lies and choose to lie about cooler or believable things then they wouldnt really be called pathological. I'm also guessing you are much older than a high school student, which naturally gives you the wisdom to know that popularity doesnt mean much, something majority of HS kids dont realize, and heck, some adults dont either. Just look at facebook and the concept friend-list or the youtube comment section, or even twitter. Popularity means jack shit? Well thousands of people are making money from jack shit then.

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      • Shimmers


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    • Why would I even type all of this if I wanted people to focus on how much of a liar I was?

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