Is it normal that i really really really love my dog?

My family was given a puppy that my mother surprisingly let us keep, especially after all the bad experiences we've had with pets. My siblings cooed all over the pup, but I kept my distance because all my bad experiences won't let me get attached to animal anymore. Unsurprisingly though, my siblings would forget to take care of him and my brothers liked to bother him, so I ended being the one to do it, being the older sibling. One day I left the puppy in someone's arms and started walking away, but the minute I did, he started bawling, yammering like a monkey, and trying to escape so he could go after me. Ever since then he's followed me everywhere, slept with me, and taken showers with me. Everytime he clawed at my leg, I would pick him up and hold him like a baby. Though it is a bit annoying at times, I've absolutely fallen in love my dog. I'm a grown girl and I find myself chasing him around the house and on my knees playing with him all the time. I'm always making sure he's safe and comfortable (going out of my way to do it). I freak out when my brother takes too long walking him. I left a toddler alone once on the street to catch my runaway dog (an action I never did again, I'm not that far gone!). I always find myself holding him like a baby. I knooow I've spoiled him rotten with love, especially since I'm always roaring like a lioness whenever I hear him squeal and I find my brother bothering him. I find myself cooing over everything he does, even if he's 2 years old now. I can't stop myself from talking about him as one of my main topics. I still think he's freaking adorable and I've taken him nearly everywhere I can with me (like TJ max, hobby lobby, hotels, furniture stores, malls, several states, mexico, and many other places).
The thing is, I've never been the type of person to get emotionally attached to anything in my life (I didn't even like dolls when I was a kid). I've had two dogs before him: one was taken by the police and the other only lasted a week; several others met a similar demise (for example: our rescued-3-legged turtle ran away, our cockatiel flew into the dryer, and my fish was accidentally fried). I'm so afraid of losing pets that I never wanted another one, so why is that I'm treating this dog (cute, adorable, maltese/shitzu dog) like it were my own child?? I've always disliked people that made such a fuss over their dogs!
Just to make things clear, no, I'm not the kind of person that buys expensive toys and treats for my dog. I've only bought him clothes because he nearly freezes in the winter (I prefer him without dog clothes anyways), and I discipline with a lot because I want him to be a well behaved dog, especially since little kids like to grab him.
But hey, it's not just me who loves him, everyone he meets falls in love with him, because he's so cute! It's like he knows exactly what to do, like jump around on 2 little legs and do a little dance, so automatically do his little play stance with his butt in the air and playfully growl. Everything he does is adorable, he's even grabbed a toddler's pant leg and torn his head back and forth sending the toddler to the ground, and everyone (including the mother) laughed and cooed over him.
Maybe it's not me, maybe it's that this dog is too freakin' adorable for his own good...

Voting Results
69% Normal
Based on 75 votes (52 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • InvadingPotatoLeader

    It's normal.
    As long as it's not an annoying rat dog like a chihuahua who barks at everyone and bites anyone who comes near him/her.

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  • TL;DR

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  • LifeIsLife

    I love love love love love my cat, i love her sooo much that i love her the same level as my parents, if a guy came with a gun and said, should i shoot ur mum or cat i will choose myself instead

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  • Moonbow

    No, you misguided fucker, it's not normal! You're obviously a despicable excuse for a human being, otherwise, you wouldn't be in love with a filty fucking dog!

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  • blackalica

    i thought this page was on bestiality....

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  • SillyKitty55

    I also cry for my deceased cat whom i had for 12 years of my life. I sometimes hear her meow or lay besides me in bed sometimes. My cats even chase her light(spirit) around the house. I know it's my deceased cat because my cats both back up with a WTF look on their faces, and their bodies hunched back like "What the hell did I do to make you mad? GOOODD I was JUST playing with you!"

    my previous cat was extremely prtoective of me, and my home. she guarded it well.She slept with me,ate with me,watched tv with me. She spoke to me like no other. 6 yrs after her passing, my cat named Kitty came along. When i saw her at 3-4 months old, I knew I just had to have her and i took her home! She never left my side! she is glued to my hip just like my prior cat was:)

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  • Crudhouse

    Loved my dog to death...but it got run over by a car when I was 10. Cried for months. Never loved an animal since then

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    • why not my cat got smashed by a car

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      • Crudhouse

        Feel bad for you man

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        • it was sad he lived for a week or 2 after that but his insides were messed up or he was bleeding on the in side he didn't want to die but he did I'll never forget it either and I'll always wonder who smashed my cat but my vet wouldn't even take a look at him i still don't like that vet

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          • Crudhouse

            That's horrible. I heard the dog squeal and by the time I got there he was dead. I couldn't stop crying for the longest time. Never loved an animal like that since then. You'll get over it and he/she's in a better place now. I'm sure the nut who killed him/her is really sorry too

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            • i have already got over it a few years ago i would have been mad at the person if i seen them hit my cat or dog then i would want to do the same to them as they done to my pet, that had to of been pretty bad to be there when your dog got smashed. im not that kind of person to just hit any animal just to run it over and then think its funny thos kind of people are sick or they should have tried to stop at-lest

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        • dichichan

          I'm sorry too! my dog's best cat friend that he knew from puppy hood was run over the other day...

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  • joybird

    15 years ago I had the most wonderful dog :o( I loved him from he was 6 weeks old and I only had him for 8 years. He was incredible and everyone who knew us swore he could speak to me. The day my baby was released from intesive care my dog died :o(( I can tell you now that I loved that dog just as much as if I'd given birth to him and sometimes when I'm ill, I feel down for him beside my bed.

    It's been the greatest saddness in my life and I cry even now thinking about him :o((

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    • dichichan

      I'm so sorry...I think of my dog as my baby too, and I would be devastated. I wouldn't have another dog for a long time...I hope you heal in time...

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      • joybird

        I held off getting another dog for 12 years and then I met a girl who asked me to take on a rescue dog. She looked just like my other one - except for brown eyebrows. I took her on and my only regret is that I didn't get a replacement sooner.

        She has helped me to heal and create new laughter and memories.

        Everyone says it but don't hold off for too long after one dies - a new 'friend' does really help :o)

        I'm like you - I could talk all day about my 'baby', more than about my teenage son!!

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  • Shackleford96

    Most people probably won't read this because of how long it is, but I did and I thought it was sweet. Yes, it is normal for you to reluctantly develop a bond for your irresistible pet pooch :)

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    • dichichan

      I'm new to the site, and I love writing, but I'll keep in mind that in mind. Shorter entries! and thanks!

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      • Shackleford96

        You're very welcome. Paragraphs help too, add some spaces inbetween them :)

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  • CarlBrigsby

    Yes, a few years ago my parents rented a summer house. We got a good deal because we had to take care of their dog. His name was pip and he was the cutest little pedigree you ever did see. He was very protective of the house at first, but over time he became so attached to me that he would always come into my room at night and fall asleep on my bed. I loved him soooo much and I had only known him for two months. I hope this helps.

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    • dichichan

      thanks! glaD to know i'm not the only one! what kind of dog is it?
      people always tell me that I waaay too into my dog, but I probably won't change anyways even if i know that for a fact, cause charlie is too darn cute!

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