Is it normal that i really want to bash one of my former friends?


I moved to a new school 4.5 years ago and quickly became friends with this kid who was equally as socially inept as me. Everything was OK for about 2 years.

Three years ago I was trying to get in a relationship with this girl and he found out. He immediately rushed through and started trying to set everything up for me even though I told him to mind his own business. He never listened and more or less royally fucked everything up (not that it would have worked anyway; she wasn't even into men. Feels bad). I told him off and he said he'd stop prying into my personal life. He promptly told this one kid who I knew and then he told pretty much everyone both of us knew. I never forgave either of them.

About a year and a half ago he started saying just plain dumb shit. I'd be having a normal conversation with anyone else and he'd just randomly join in and say something stupid like "But you're gay so yeah" (total bullshit) and the conversation would be ruined. It was always along the lines of me being gay or LGBT or something similar even though I'm not. He'd do this to other people he knew as well. I (and one other friend) was the only one who didn't really appreciate this. I initially told him to stop but the more I tried, the more it seemed like he'd go out of his way to do it.

About a year ago I went on a massive school trip that I wouldn't miss for the world and as luck would have it, he came along too. It was on this trip when his bullshit genuinely made me consider brutalising him. I've always had a part of my brain tell me to bash people whenever they go beyond a mild irritation but I've only let it slip once before, and that was a long time ago. I had genuinely considered picking up something heavy and just belting the ever living hell out of his temporals. He was still doing the stupid comments, but they were getting more and more NSFW. No actual physical abuse happened, just the stupid comments. The more I told him to shut up, the more of a nuisance he'd be. He'd also began to tell increasingly obvious grandiose lies, like how he'd been bitten by a black mamba snake that left a scar the size of a nasty papercut, or how he'd been shot in the shoulder by an arrow, or how he'd seen an actual live nest of those ants that appear in Indiana Jones 4 and completely devour people in seconds. He also began to just act plain childish. The contingent we were in were there to do a job (keeping vague for anonymity) and he began to slip up and it nearly caused us to not be able to go ahead on one occasion. It also cost me my night off. It was after this that he came out as being Aspergers as all hell as well as having a mountain of other mental disorders. I thought this might explain some of his behaviour but it definitely didn't excuse it. He also doesn't really act autistic in the medical sense. He acts incredibly autistic in the way the internet uses the word 'autistic' though. This made me think he was lying once again. I told him that aspergers or not, I'd had it with him and wanted to see as little of him as possible. As luck would have it, he's decent friends with most of my other friends and I don't see how it's worthwhile cutting myself from about 10 people just to get rid of one other. None of them have a problem with him like I do but I don't think he's done half the shit he does to them as he has to me. He's also in 3 of my 7 classes so I can't dodge him there either. The school also handles things like this really badly. They've been borderline counterproductive. It's always on me to prove that this counts as abuse, and I can barely prove it happens.

After that I can't really think of a scenario where I would stick up for him. Since that trip he has thoroughly wrecked my self esteem multiple times (fine now), plagiarised my work multiple times, convinced most of the people he knows and I kinda know that I'm gay specifically because he knows I (Lutheran) don't appreciate it, and he has signed on to another two similar school trips that he said he wasn't all that interested in right after I signed on. I know he's just determined to do every thing he can to fuck with me at this point. He's even said he's probably going to the same university as me. I am planning to just deal with the bullshit for another 4 months until I graduate and then bring this all up with the uni admins if it becomes a problem there, because that has the potential to really ruin his academic career. I think I'd be forgiven for allowing myself this one simple revenge; after all, this must count as harassment. However, I can't stop myself from thinking about how good it would feel to just end the problem now. Permanently. With a lot of gore. I know I could never actually kill him or even get as far as GBH but I could certainly foresee an extended vacation to prison for me if I can't keep myself in check. God help me. Is it normal to want to seriously hurt someone who has caused so much bullshit?

Did I mention he wants to become a psychiatrist? I'd rather lick the back of a fridge than see the chaos he'd cause on society as a psychiatrist.

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Comments ( 1 )
  • cipro

    Tldr, its always acceptable to bash people if they are pissing you off.

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