Is it normal that i recoil and shake when i get a bad sensation?

As the title says. Whenever I touch something like cardboard, or hear chalk, or so much as see a certain texture, my eyes roll up and sometimes fling my head back. I start shaking super hard and force my head back down with my chin touching my chest. All of this in around 3-4 seconds. This sometimes also happens when it is cold. My brother does this too, but with not as much ferocity as me. More like a small shiver. I used to get told off for doing this by my dad's second wife, but no matter how hard I tried, I simply cannot stop doing this. I want to learn how to stop this, but I dont know how.

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50% Normal
Based on 8 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 5 )
  • my_life_my_way

    Sounds autistic

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    • Unknown_player

      I agree with this user my partner has been diagnosed with autism and he acts very much the same way you described that you do and he's like that with certain textures. Talk to your therapist about it, if you have one, or your GP

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  • RoseIsabella

    I hate touching styrofoam!

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  • Inkmaster

    If it's your body's natural reaction, then you shouldn't need to stop it. You can't fight your reflexes. As others have said, it does sound like it could be a symptom of autism, but without more information it's impossible to tell. Either way, you should get yourself tested. It's clearly something with your nervous system, so if it's not autism, then it could be something else.

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  • MaxineFinnFoxen

    Oh wait nevermind this isn't normal. Might be a sign of something a doctor might need to take care of.
    Or maybe you're a bird?

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