Is it normal that i regularly snack on my vitamin c supplements?

I don’t often eat fruit because I find it time-wasting. This leads to me owning a lot of Vitamin C supplements. They aren’t the tablet kind, they’re the orange-flavoured chewable ones. I like the taste of these and it’s a quite common habit of mine to regularly snack on these. I consume about 7 500mg supplements a day. I couldn’t find anything online related to this, so this is my last resort. Is it normal?

Voting Results
17% Normal
Based on 18 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • ellnell

    Doesnt that upset your stomach?
    You dont need that many, just stick to the recommended daily dose which is probably one a day, maybe 2 at most. Vitamins are not candy.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'm pretty sure all that acidic stuff will mess up the teeth.

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  • Clunk42

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    • Boojum

      As soon as I saw this question, that's the YouTube video I immediately went off to find.

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    • Grunewald

      I'm absolutely addicted to this guy!!

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  • CountessDouche

    You'll just pee it out. You'll have fancy, citrusy, expensive pee. The kind of pee that scurvy ridden pirates of yore would've paid a gold dabloon to imbibe.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      Careful Countess, the idea of peeing in a golden arch into Jack Sparrow’s willing open mouth, liquid splashing off his outstretched tongue might just be OP’s fetish.

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      • CountessDouche

        Everything here is somebody's fetish. That's the only thing I've taken away from the shithole venture into absurdity that is this website

        Like...look at your proper use of punctuation...oooo and those sexy capitalized stuff

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  • Grunewald

    DON'T do it. Your body's functioning depends on an intricate ballet of chemicals coming in, interacting, going out, all in perfect balance, and if you load it with way too much of one, your body's system will just crash.

    By 'crash' I mean things like, the chemical balance required to make cells stop absorbing water being absent, and your brain swelling so much with water that it squishes against the inside of your skull and you die. Or your own muscles breaking down and ending up in your urine or clogging up your organs. Or organs just dying inside of you because the chemical composition of your blood no longer allows it to transport enough oxygen. Stuff like that.

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    3,000 mg is the recognized toxic dose. And any more than 400 mg at once gets excreted in your urine se it’s wasted

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  • snazzylarry

    Damn, I really did just stop and then came back to see.

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  • xeus

    500mg is the daily requirement. DO NOT CONSUME MORE. IT'S NOT HEALTHY. For 7500mg VIT C, you'd have to CONSUME 150 ORANGES! I also eat the chewable ones, but only one per day!

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  • Boojum

    Vitamin C is water-soluble, so consuming more than your body needs doesn't have the potential to seriously screw up organ- and nerve-function the way that excessive intake of some fat-soluble vitamins and some minerals can. The supplements you're taking are in excess of the 2,000 mg daily recommended dose, but not vastly more. Still, fruit is not the only possible source of the vitamin, so if you have a reasonably varied diet apart from the lack of fruit, it's possible you're getting vitamin C from other sources as well.

    Consuming vitamin C in excess of what you need will be putting unnecessary strain on your kidneys. You're only allocated two of those at birth, their ability to tolerate abuse and repair damage is limited, and kidney failure is no fun at all.

    I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure I recall reading somewhere that excessive vitamin C over a prolonged period can lead to the formation of kidney stones, and they aren't any fun either.

    It is the case that a diet that consists of only highly processed foods can result in deficiency (so much so that there has been a disturbing uptick in the number of kids diagnosed with scurvy in the UK over recent years). But it seems to me that you'd be wise to reduce your consumption of the tablets so you're intake is no more than 2,000 mg per day. There has been a lot of BS circulating in popular culture and on the internet about the magical properties of vitamin C for many, many years, but most of it is unscientific nonsense.

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  • pasta_father

    I do somethin kinda like that but with kratom and suboxone

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