Is it normal that i saw and felt this? was i just being paranoid?
sooo i'm scared about what i think or thought happend. it is the last night for an 18 and under club and me and my cousin and her friends were excited so we got all dressed up and i had on a pencil skirt and a crop top but the skirt was highwaisted. Before we went to the club we got high as hell. I felt kind of like a slut and i was uncomfortable but thats beside the point. We were standing on the steps the bring you down to the dance floor and there were some guys standing below like three steps below and i turn around for a little bit and then when i turn to the front there was a guy directly in front of me and another standing a little off to the side on the next step. I turned around again because they were laughing and looking at me and i dont know making hand signs and maybe talking to me but they were defainatly talking to each other i felt someone touch my ass and i turned around again and i also felt someone touch down there and i dont know if i was just imagining it this part is important: after i got high my mouth was dry pretty much what they call cotton mouth and i was licking my lips and mouth because they felt so weird now and i looked to up and was sill licking my lips and a guy that (even when i was high) i thought was cute was coming to the step and stood on the same step as me he had a hat on i looked forward then looked to my left and he got closer i knew he was looking at me as well and after he assessed me he went back to the crowed and i went and sat down no words were exchanged through this whole thing anyway when i was sitting on the bench by myself but there was a security guard a little ways away and when i was sitting (still high) there was a guy asking why are you so sad and i laughed and said im not sad he whent up stairs eventually i started to notice a whole bunch of guys most with the same characteristics white shirt and a hat but different kinds of white shirts like some with sleeves some without but they were starting to circle there was way too many guys (i dont know if this was a hilucination) they were circuling like they were trying to block the security guards vision but i got up again and left when i left i was walking around trying to find the girls bathroom theres was guy checking me out too but it didnt feel right because they were the same guys from the group that was crowding me and when i finally found my cousins or more like they found me i was trying to tell them what happened and at some point i turned around and one of the guys was following i think it really scared the shit out of me and at some point but i must have been hearing stuff but one of the guys said "no we cant do it now the owner of the club is right behind her" i was around the place where the owner was in the front of the club. Every place i whent they seem to be and its like they were circling the club. Also the other times i went to the club which wasnt on the regular basis since i live in another state and i only go there when i visist. The guy i thought was cute had friends like a whole posse that wore hats too and the guys that i thought were stalking me looked like his friends. I just want to know if i was imaging this because of the weed. Was i just being paranoid?