Is it normal that i sleep in just a bra and underwear?
Our house doesn't have a very good air conditioning system, so usually I sleep in just my underwear. Is that a weird turn off?
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Our house doesn't have a very good air conditioning system, so usually I sleep in just my underwear. Is that a weird turn off?
It doesn't mention bras unfortunately, but gives you an indication of what most people here wear when sleeping.
Speaking of bras, isn't it uncomfortable to keep it on all night, then get up and wear a bra all day? I would've thought it would be healthier to take your bra off when sleeping :/
It is completely good to sleep in a bra and underwear. It keeps out bad stuff from your body. And makes it harder for spiders to crawl where we don't wnst them. Lol. Kidding. But anywho it isn't a tuen off either. Unless you wear the same type of Sleepwear all the time and for sex acts.
I wear whatever underwear to bed that I happen to be wearing that day, so it can be anything from a full slip to just panties. 98% of the time, though, it's bra and undies for me.
No problem as long as you are female! but try it with nothing on except socks when really cold outside
sleeping with bra on has been linked to higher chance for breast cancer. I have no idea however how this could effect breastcancer (look it up), can only imagine it might be bad for blood circulation or something. I basicly know this from when i was younger (teens), they gave girls advice to not wear bra's at night (mainly because girls were wearing them at night because they thought it would slow their breast hanging off as they get older).
If I'm alone and no one home, I'll sleep in panties and a t-shirt. Sometimes I fall asleep wearing a bra and panties. But I shouldn't because someone might come home and see me dressed in that. I think I've been seen. I'm pretty careful though.
Defiantly normals, I sleep in a bra tee shirt and underwear its really no big deal I'm more comfortable that way plus I get hot easily...
compleatly normal. however, over the years i've tended to sleep camando.
That's normal. Not sure how you sleep in a bra though I can't sleeping with one on. I just wear a tshirt and pants :) sooooo comfy
Not a turn off. It's normal. I sleep in my boxers, or boxers and basketball shorts. Never a shirt or socks. It's normal.