Is it normal that i sometimes which that cats could talk back?

I love all animals, sometimes I prefer A
animal friendship to human friendship as pets bring you unconditional love. Sure cats or dogs or even hamsters and guinea pigs can be quite demanding but they'll always love you as you chose to keep them as a friend or furr-baby.

I wish cats could talk so that I can have conversations with them and hear what they want or whenever they go to the vets or I have to wash them, they can understand it'll be OK and I won't ever let them get hurt. Imagine having a cat or doggy as a friend? Has your boss not been appreciating your hardwork? Has your partner been ungrateful or unfaithful to you? Is your landlord being a "see you next Tuesday"? Has the bank been taking too much money out from your bank account? You could ask the cat or dog to sh!t on their door stop or inside their home/building. Also, for once, they can give you advice on your problems instead of a human. Hey! Maybe the two of you could share pizza and watch a funny movie together?

I had a pet cat that was my best friend once. I had to let her go because of allergies but she'll always be my furr-baby!

Voting Results
79% Normal
Based on 24 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • libertybell

    When I had a cat, I was always wishing this! I'd plead with him to talk to me, but he never said anything.

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  • mysistersshadow

    YouTube... Sad Cat Diaries. Your wish will be granted.

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  • JulianLennonIsFit

    OMG! PM Like now! Story to share! :D 100% normal BTW

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  • rinosaurus_beetle

    you had me until fur babies

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