Is it normal that i somewhat believe in evolution and the bible??

I've pretty much always been a Christian, I went to a private Christian school for a year, I've been going to church since I was little (sadly, I've been going less nowadays).
I even took a "spirituality class" at my church to become a member and be baptized two years ago.
But I've also been to a different private school before I went to the Christian school, and there we watched a movie on Charles Darwin and learned of evolution and natural selection ect ect ect...

So having had both ideas thought over and studied, I feel like somehow there is truth to both...
Like maybe God really was the force that made the bacterium, then primates,Neanderthals , Home sapiens ect evolve into finally becoming Home Erectus (man). And maybe it was just left out of the Bible (there have been many many stories ect that have been left out of the Bible due to lack of "evidence")

Do you think it's possible for both theories to be true... or can only one be true and one be false..or do you think they're both false (if so please explain)?????

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72% Normal
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Comments ( 12 )
  • psu

    I think Homo erectus might have existed a little before the Bible was written down. And even Homo sapiens sapiens, the anatomically modern version of us, predates writing. But it's quite possible for both theories to be interpretations of a single truth.

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  • SvenTheBold

    Would it surprise you to know that my dad, who is a pastor, also has a master's degree in ecology? When we would go camping, I always asked him questions about the plants and animals, and he would tell me what he knew. It helped me see everything in the forest as being related and interconnected and with a purpose, God's greatest painting on the tapestry of the world.

    I could recommend all sorts of wonderful books written by faithful Christians who, like you, believe in evolution. The name for the position is "theistic evolution," and it has been around since the days of Darwin. Actually, kind of even before Darwin among the Lamarckian evolutionists, though no one really counts them anymore, because Lamarckianism was what Darwin was really trying to disprove. One of the most famous books ever written defending the position of theistic evolution was written by a man named Theodosius Dobzhansky, "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution." There are lots of websites and blogs by Christians who've taken this stance; in particular, it's the de facto official dogma of the Catholic church, as well as by most Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran denominations. As much as it doesn't seem like it in America, worldwide, a majority of Christians would agree with you: evolution is true science.

    I won't rehash for you all of the many points and exciting interpretations this leads to in the Bible; but I will say that I think you're right about past history just having been left out of the Bible. Evolution even explains certain strange facets of the Genesis story, such as why Adam was afraid that people might kill Cain if the murderer son was sent out into the wilderness. Who would be around to harm Cain if Adam and Adam's family were the only humans currently in existence? It doesn't make sense, unless you think that perhaps Adam wasn't the first human; and indeed, the most literal interpretation of the Bible never says he was the first human, only that he was a human specially created by God.

    Likewise, in the Hebrew language, the verb from the first line in Genesis 1, "In the beginning, God *created* the Heavens and the Earth" ... that verb "create," in the original language, actually meant something more like "establish." It's the same verb used in the Psalms for "create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." The Psalm certainly doesn't mean "generate a new non-dirty blood-pumping organ inside of me." We all know the Psalm is being metaphorical, talking about reorienting the heart toward God, saying something more along the lines of "Let my heart beat for you, O God!" Genesis is also saying this; let your creation be yours, God, let it serve your purposes and move according to your will. In the beginning, God established a purpose for the Heavens and the Earth...

    To use another analogy, it's like a bowl, made out of a large flattish seashell. You didn't do anything to the seashell to make it into a bowl; so how did you create the bowl? You "established" the seashell for a new purpose; in Ancient Hebrew, you "Bara"ed, "create"ed the bowl, in the same way that God "established" that this was his universe, that history, that His story, would start here, in that moment with light, stars, life, Adam.

    Anyway, you can rest assured that your beliefs on this regard are very, very normal. I'm glad you came to this conclusion without rejecting your faith; many people who were exposed first to creationism as if it were in opposition to science end up keeping the belief in opposition and rejecting the faith instead. It may not feel like it here in America, but disbelieving evolution is actually abnormal for a Christian. Learn everything; God will show you that nothing is extra, that everything has a place.

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    • Thanks for your response, I appreciate that you took the time to reassure me in my belief of theistic evolution :)

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  • shuggy-chan

    I believe the term your looking for is "Intelligent Design" and it oky to believe what resonates with u. It ur spirituality, no one can truely tell you what to believe in

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  • Juicedrink

    Yes! It's your religion and you can believe whatever you want. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise because religion is a very personal thing and you should be able to think for yourself.

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  • dom180

    I feel like it's normal. In a lot of circles it's socially and intellectually unacceptable to deny evolution, but a lot of people believe in creation at the same time for a whole lot of reasons. It's very normal to have both in parallel. The beliefs are reconcilable as I see it.

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  • Tommythecat.

    Neither are correct.

    Wake up.

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  • TheAnarkyOfLife

    I don't wanna argue, but in my opinion, if there really was some extra dimensional being controlling everything, what goes beyond him and beyond that? Why would he make life so cold and cruel.

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  • Naughty_rascal

    Of course its normal. The dinosaurs, at least the intelligent ones, wrote the bible.

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  • Dad

    Evolution is NOT a theory

    Whereas religion and 'god' belief is just a myth.

    I'm so happy that kids now have access to the Internet and vast knowledge these days. Religion and these old myths are going, and EVERYone knows it.

    The 'theory' of Evolution is so yesterday.
    It is now stated as FACT (as it should be).


    By the way, no one 'believes' in evolution. That's just ridiculous.
    We have used our intelligence and proof to confirm it is fact.
    Do you believe in planets? Hope so. Because Earth is NOT the centre of our BILLIONS and BILLIONS of planets in our BILLIONS of other galaxies.

    I have to say this to help you.
    Burn the damn Bible, it should be in the fiction area of libraries but has been agreed to stay in myths and superstitions. The bible is NOT fact.

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  • Royalburden

    I hate Christians like this, they irritate me even more than the ones who believe in the 7 day bullshit. These ones are even more brainwashed than normal, willing to bend the words of bullshit to their own will on a whole new scale.

    Me? I believe in the beauty of chaos, the untamed immorality of it all the sheer inhuman quality of the forces around us cannot be measured. But you, you assholes would slander that by saying your god 'tipped the first domino'. Simplifying the universe to your liking. Now that there is the only sin. If you truly understood what was out there you would go mad, unable to comprehend it with your small minds. The vast nothingness, the energy coming from the very winds of chance. This chain reaction is scientific, we've seen how it's effected the creation and destruction of species and started our world turning. The Big Bang wasn't even the start I bet, there's something that lies beyond that even and none of us know what it is, but I know from years of pondering and meditation that the fabric of chaos holds the biggest key. When I was younger I was so very close to it I could almost see the waves, tangible in every action and every reaction. Something good followed by something bad, something tragic followed by something beautiful.

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    • To each his own.

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