Is it normal that i still fear the dark?

I'm in high school now and I still can't get over my fear of the dark. I know fearing the dark is actually common, but my fear doesn't stop there. This feeling of paranoia overcomes me as well, and I start imagining things. For EX: If I don't have a nightlight on while I sleep, I get this feeling that someone is watching me, though I know no one is there.IIN?

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88% Normal
Based on 72 votes (63 yes)
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Comments ( 22 )
  • Once you lose your imagination, you'll have no reason to fear the dark. Until then, you're normal.

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    • devanfly

      yes, but reading stories like this, and others, plus writing stories like this makes it "come back" if you know what i mean. You're imagination never completely "disappears."

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    • Wonderlost

      Alright, thanks for the advice. Though, my imagination may never disappear since I use it so much to write.

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      • That's one thing you and I have common. I don't mean to impose, but what do you write about? I'm kind of a writer myself, at least I enjoy writing.

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        • Wonderlost

          Well, I mostly write fantasies that take place in my own world that I create, sometimes their dark, sometimes lighthearted. Though no matter what I write, it usually ends up having a slight depressing tome to it, that's something I've been trying to work on. What about you if you don't mind my asking?

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          • Kinda of same except it's more of my own fantasy. Over the summer I attempted to write a story about a boy who's a misanthrope and isolates himself from the world. Early in the story he meets this beautiful goth girl who takes him to hell and heaven and gives him a choice of which place he'd like to stay in. He chooses hell. He would've chosen anything just to escape his life.

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            • Wonderlost

              Oh wow, how interesting and original! I would love to read it someday... =]

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    • NothingxCrazy

      Well put.

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  • You know those pictures/drawings where you think you see one subject, but if you look at it differently, you'll see something completely different.

    Like these:

    Well, our visual cortex is constantly trying to make sense of what you are seeing through your eyes. If something is missing, it will gladly fill in the blanks for you.

    At night, you're vision is impaired, so your brain is going to try to give you a hand interpreting what you see. You are afraid, so you are going to "see" things that frighten you even more. A vicious cycle.

    I used to have a fear of the dark too, until I was 30 years old. Then I just rationalized the situation; in thirty years, I had never seen anything real that was worth being so afraid of, so I made the decision not to indulge that fear anymore. I'm 36 now and I'm still not afraid.

    But I still do get creeped out when looking at myself in a mirror in the dark. There's a slight delay in processing, so it looks like my reflection is moving of its on accord.

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    • Wonderlost

      Oh wow...that's really interesting.

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  • ihaveasecret

    i feel the same way as you! i imagine things thats why im scared of the dark

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  • Ratri

    I can't stand when there is light on my room when I fall asleep. It makes me feel that I can see what lies in the Dark. o.o Plus, my door always have have be close or I'll just freak out :b If there's just one tiny light source, I freak out and I have a nightmare/terror.

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  • JuliusE

    Author, are you make or female?

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  • graphic_nature

    You'll find solace in reality.

    Try to reason at what sound you just heard or what something actually is in the dark, instead of what it COULD be.

    I get a little freaked out in the dark after watching a scary movie (Im 23 btw :P). I also get tense in the dark in the woods but I just reason with what I'm hearing (The wind, leaves, squirrel.. etc.)

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    • Wonderlost

      Thanks! That makes a lot of sense.

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  • Dot123

    Yeah, it's pretty common but there is nothing to fear.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I like being the dark outside, like in NYC.
    I'll panic if I'm inside and it's completely dark. I just feel safer in dark cities:)

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  • Audrina

    I figure if I can not see them, they probably can't see me either. Also, If it is in your own home, you have the advantage. You know the layout of the house, an intruder most likely will not.

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  • AnonymousCanada

    the creepiest thing i can think of in the dark or just in general (especially after watching the movie mirrors) is mirrors, they creep me the fuck out. but really you are not afraid of the dark, you are afraid of whats in the dark. its just your primal instincts to survive kicking in because you cant see. just like im not afraid of mirrors, im just afraid that my mirror image will try to murder me. if you ask me i think my fear is WAAAAAAAY more rational than yours. totally

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  • emilydoll

    ^ interesting comment

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