Is it normal that i still want this child?

Maybe some of you remember my post a while ago about having a baby without a father when I am only a 17 years old girl.
I went to the Doctor a few days ago. He told me that I need to think about an abortion again, because of my test results I have a 40% of surviving the birth of the child because of my small body structure . I am in my 9 weeks pregnancy and all I did was to cry in my bed after what the doctor told me. I didn't even told it to my parents. I really want to have this child, but in the end I may not even see his face when he will born. I really don't know what to do. 40% is a low number.

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 41 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • howaminotmyself

    40% if you carry to term. What are the chances of early delivery because of this. I have a friend with a tiny uterus so pregnancy would kill her and the baby if she tried.

    Some people do not make good hosts. Its pretty simple logic.

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  • DoNotWant

    For your own good (and the baby's), I'd suggest you go with what the doctor said and get an abortion. What's the point of having a baby if the mother is going to orphan him/her during birth? It just wouldn't be right.

    Besides, at 17, you're too young to have a baby. At your age the only thing that should matter is finishing school/getting a GED and getting the training needed for a job.

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    • PrettyAngel

      Thank you for this great reply. I really want this baby and I cant think about "killing" him. Its so hard for me

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  • Avant-Garde

    :'( The sadness is filling my heart. I really wanted you to have the child too. I can't tell you to get an abortion because, I am a Buddhist. Perhaps, you should go with your heart. Take some time to figure things out. Good Luck. :)

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    • PrettyAngel

      thank you very much!

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      • Avant-Garde

        You're welcome. :)

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  • Americeptionalism

    Vacuum that shit out. Small body structure often implies a tight vagina. Don't throw away something beautiful that God gave you.

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  • You should decide what you want. If you don't want an abortion then don't. I don't know why people take other peoples advice over their own.

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  • First of all, I didn't read whatever other post you are referring to so I have no idea what's going on here. Did you fall pregnant but you have no boyfriend/father of the baby to support you through this? If that's the case, I think you're very irresponsible. You're 17, what the hell do you want a baby for? Seriously, to have a child just to fill some sort of emotional hole in your life is incredibly selfish but none the less, you've gotten yourself into this and now you're in a bit of a quagmire. I would say do what your doctor tells you. You obviously don't know much about pregnancy or much about life in general so listen to the doctor, and do what he says. They're not always right, but would you risk your life and your unborn child's life to find out? I think not. Next time you fall pregnant, make sure you're actually in a stable relationship of atleast a year with a guy who can provide for you and the kid.

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    • PrettyAngel

      Thanks for the reply!
      here is the post:
      htt p : / / is itnormal. com/story/is-it-normal-that-i-fear-of-being-a-bad-mom-181579/

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    • PrettyAngel

      Here is my story:

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  • You're pregnant on purpose (and if you were too dumb to use birth control that's considered on purpose too) at 17 right? So no thanks, I'm not interested in your other posts. You got yourself into this and it was incredibly stupid of you and now you seek advice from a bunch of people on the internet about something you did wrong? Yeah, okay.

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