Is it normal that i struggle in making friends and my school life?
Okay, this might be a pretty long story but i hope you guys can help me out.
I'm 23 and at my 2nd semester of law school right now and my girlfriend just gave birth to a healthy young baby boy. Right now she is staying with my parents to keep her company while i'm away since my school is quite far from my home. I don't find it hard coping with having a new family since my parents are very supportive and they are taking care of my child in my place while i focus on my schooling. My problem is at school and the city where i stay. I am an introvert person but since my high school and college days, i never found it hard to make friends then.
But now here in my new school, all my classmates are undergrads of the same school and all of them know each other already so it was pretty awkward for me the first day i came in. Everyone had made social circle of friends already and i was literally the only one who did not know anybody. Of course there were a few who came and opened up to me but it was just a formality and nothing more. I made a few friends near the end of the semester but just within the confines of the classroom, after class, we would go our separate ways and i would end up going home to my empty room and study and surf alone. This was my life every single day. I am comfortable with how i live my day to day life here and occasionally go home to my family when i have time but i cannot deny the fact that i am alone and those who i can talk to during class stopped so i ended up alone again at school. I hate to admit it but right now, i stopped entering my classes because of fear of the instructors. I also feel that my instructors and classmates don't want me around and want me out of the class and even though it's just a feeling, it is a very real feeling for me. Sometimes when i ponder on how i ended up like this, i just stare blankly while lying down and cry due to the loneliness i feel apart from my family. I can't open up to my family how i feel since they see me as a responsible young adult and they acknowledge that i can handle myself alone but in reality, without them telling me what to do, i feel lost due to the fact that i have to endure months without any real social interactions with anybody. Gradually, my thoughts turn darker and darker, sometimes during class, a very weird feeling of awkwardness envelops me, a feeling that i do not belong here and thoughts of destroying the school, killing my professors and classmates come to my mind. These are just imaginations but i know i was not like this before, i feel that i am slowly losing my mind. I always feel anxious for no reason and the least i expect it, i will just feel very lonely. I talk to my girlfriend and family through the phone to cope up but as soon as I hang up, that feeling comes back and I feel restrained and just cry. Having someone to talk to occasionally is better than what i Have now so i entered this site. Hope you guys can help me out.