Is it normal that i suck my finger?

I have sucked my finger since I was about seven years old.
I curl it up and suck it, just as you would if you were sucking your thumb. It helps me sleep and helps me when I'm stressed, sad, or angry.
Is this normal?

Voting Results
45% Normal
Based on 71 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • lazurm

    Many women I've dated were still sucking their thumb, usually when asleep so, yes, it's normal. What isn't normal was one woman who used to put HER thumb in MY mouth while I was asleep. This went on for the 2-1/2 years we dated and when it was over I couldn't sleep without a thumb in my mouth, mine. :(

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  • Terence_the_viking

    It's like the security blanket you never had

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  • tint40

    I still do it- it's actually my two middle fingers. I've done it since I was little. Nothing my parents did could get me to stop- hot sauce, gloves, etc. But it is embarrassing for me, so I hide it from everyone.

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  • melbournegirl

    It's a habit that many of us had as children that you simply didn't grow out of, that's all.

    I still call my parents "Mummy" and "Daddy" at 24 years of age because for some reason I never grew out of it as a kid, and saying "Mum" and "Dad" seems alien to me.

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