Is it normal that i take coronavirus more seriously than others?

I see Coronavirus as something we don't know a lot about And that's how most of the world's history of epidemics start out,as people putting fear into the unknown or just outright being ignorant, but lately I see people have gone around treating it as a bit of a joke, as a meme or as something to troll about... it was unfortunate news to hear at first, but now it's in my country I feel genuine concern for my health and others and I'm wondering how it came to be the norm to meme-ify the Coronavirus to begin with? Like yes theres a drink called Corona... but it's an actual serious epidemic, also, is it wrong I find it amusing those who joked about it at some point now look guilty and scared now that Coronavirus has begun to escalate?....I just want them to stop joking about it I don't want them to get it though

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79% Normal
Based on 14 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 23 )
  • raisinbran

    The fatality rate is far too low, especially for kids. Also I would like to see it go airborne.

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    • Sad18yo

      I would LITERALLY rather have the coronavirus than the flu. Mortality rate for anyone under like 60 is insanely low, symptoms are mild (sometimes barely noticeable).

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    • leggs91200

      airborne? You mean like in the army where it jumps out of airplanes and parachutes down?

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  • leggs91200

    One is more likely to die of lightning, snake bite, gun shot, and many other things. You could be killed today in a car crash. That doesn't stop anyone from driving though.

    Right now there are like 108,000 cases world wide. More than four times that many die of smoking related causes each year in the USA.

    I think the reason people have a hard time taking this corona thing serious is because there are always reports of the sky falling.

    We survived 1984, AIDS, Y2K, Dec 21st 2012, west nile, anthrax, SARS, swine flu, etc. WW3 and the rapture never happened.
    I remember in 1991 there was suppose to be some huge earth quake that was going to level the area I live in. Nothing ever happened.

    Corona is just the latest scare. It is mostly a sick-ass joke. Life goes on. What are you going to do? Walk around in a gas mask? Quarantine yourself? Not live life?

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    • candylady

      AIDS has killed 32,000,000 people. I have no idea why you’re including that with the others here. The rapture, 1984(?), and 2012 were obviously never meant to be taken seriously. They’re science fiction. But SARS and swine flu were survived because people took them seriously. They didn’t just magically disappear, they stopped spreading because people took precautions. Same with Y2K. It took months of hard work from a lot of people to stop a lot of problems from happening. It didn’t just magically solve itself.

      Also, coronavirus has killed more people in a little over a month than lightning does in a year. It’s killed four times as many people as snakes do in a year. It’s best to avoid these ridiculous apples to oranges comparisons as they’ll become out of date very quickly. Let’s see what the numbers look like in a year.

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      • leggs91200

        I remember in 1981 a lot of people caught pac-man fever.

        OK fine, freak out cause of corona. Let us scream and run around in circles saying "We are all gonna die!"

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        • candylady

          Sure, you could do that. Or, you know, just wash your hands and stop touching people and cover your face when you cough or sneeze, then complain about how people are “panicking” because you’re being asked to practice basic hygiene.

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  • ellnell

    That's normal. I know there are people who refuse to go outside and personally I avoid being around many people as much as possible, which tbf I always do but... Even more now.
    There has been no one diagnosed with corona in my city yet though, although I bet people have it here too just without knowing considering - at least in my country - everyone who has it have very mild symptoms.

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  • howaminotmyself

    It is fascinating, to say the least.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Humour is the best way to cope with it. In reality, the infection rate is far too high to not be concerned about.

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  • --

    Well it is pretty serious where I am. Because of this virus my town and other towns around are running out of supplies from the supermarkets. We have no toilet paper at all for anybody. We have limited supplies of basic food and most of the groceries I buy weekly are not in supply. This shit is fucked. I can't believe how much it is affecting the stupidmarkets around me.

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    • Yes same here in the south of nz

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    • GaelicPotato

      Its because of selfish hoarders. Cunts.

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      • --

        Yep. They all afraid so they are stock piling, and taking everything, leaving nothing.
        My groceries cost me the same as they normally do except I didn't even get half of what I normally get, fucking bullshit.

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        • Mammal-lover

          Haha you dont have stockpiles of resources? I have like 7 months worth of food with rationing in my closet. Just get yourself some flower and salt and make hardtack. Make certain to eat a little fruit when you can. You'll live. You'll hate meal time but you'll liven broths and gravy are your friend. Hard tack is flavorless but calory rich and lasts 100+ years. Seal properly to prevent bugs

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          • --

            If it come down to it I would not have a problem with taking what I need from neighbours. I can see the ocean from my front door and am an experienced spear fisherman, we have many rabbits and kangaroos just on my front lawn that would probably feed me indefinitely.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


    its the flu if i git it ill live im healthy

    meanwhile im shortin airline & cruise line stocks

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  • leggs91200

    They invented that stupid virus just so the hypochondriacs would have something to be afraid of

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  • bigbudchonga

    I've not taken it that seriously, but I'm starting to shift on that. Its deadliness as a disease isn't that bad, but it's pushing the world towards the next recession.

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    • leggs91200

      Oh they are ALWAYS saying the world is in a recession.
      At least gas price is down.

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      • bigbudchonga

        We've been due one for a long time, dude. China's tanking; the stock market's down, and precious metals are up. Big signs of recession are looming. I hope it isn't the case, but it looks like it damn well might be.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm honestly not thinking that much about the Corona virus. I'm mostly just thinking about when my cat's older brother died of FIP over 13 years ago. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a viral disease that occurs in felines, it's a mutation of the Corona virus in cats, and there is no cure.

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  • sissycakes

    my facebook is littered with the meme. It is just what people like to do.

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