Is it normal that i talk to myself as other people?

I don't believe that other people are around, and I know the things I'm saying aren't true....

But often, in the shower, I'll stay for 2 hours, playing out random situations and talking them out (through my words and the words of others)

Or, often, when I'm laying in bed, I'll talk to myself, speaking out a dialogue between me and a random person. Usually, it's a situation that's really dramatic/sexual and ends up making me cry. (With that situation, in real life, I never cry, over anything, I feel like I might just be trying to FORCE myself to cry? )

But yeah. I talk to myself, sort of?

Is it normal? O.O

Voting Results
68% Normal
Based on 71 votes (48 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Coletta

    oh my word! I thought i was the only one, I even thought i was mentally disturbed (mind you there is history of relatives waking up in the morning with a mental disorder in my family!) But like some of the comments suggest and i know this for a fact is that my social life is a bit weak and i dont have many people to talk to and so i get these episodes. Been having them for a long time. I guess its a coping mechanism.

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  • GossamerFawn

    Wow I do this too! I talk to myself acting out scenarios, things that happened in real life or books or TV or how I'd *wish* scenes to go, what I want to happen etc

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  • Oh my gosh! I have done this all my life! Except it's not with random people. It's with people I know. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I also have conversations with myself in the mirror, and then pretend to get really offended and walk away! HAHA, seriously weird. But true.

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  • meadow1

    I do this all the time! I think I only started doing this when I wasn't getting the emotional support I needed from family and friends and felt lonely and disconnected. I would make up scenarios or fantasies in my head and act them out talking aloud to myself. Some people in my family have heard me and commented but if I could talk to them in real life I would but I'm a much better listener and conversationalist and I understand me! I make up dramatic scenarios too and cry sometimes, I think it is a way of externalising feelings and working through emotions and relieving stress. If everyone around me wasn't so useless maybe I could talk to them but I prefer talking to myself. I started doing it occasionally but now its become a habit I find hard to get out of. I think it's normal though, it's a coping mechanism, as long as you know its not real and its help its fine.

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  • HugeDong87

    Sure it's better to talk to yourself rather than some of these morons walking around the earth these days.

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  • Srmoore143

    I've done this since I was a child and I still do. Makes my life so much more bearable. Even if my life was fantastic I would do it.

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  • clairebear21

    Wow i do this all the time. I do it to practice how i would react in certain situations even tho some of them are out of this world situations. I want to be an actor so act out scenes i would do in certain movies. This can take over you if ur not careful. One boring summer i convinced myself I was in a relationship with a certain hollywood star. I feel very unoriginal now. :(

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  • megipop626

    I do it.

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  • zerogod1989

    i do it while im walking alone to place to place in the shower bed every where.

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  • Andramelach

    I do the same thing at times. It may be that your only interested in converasation that you yourself have complete control over. You may need to get out more since its sounds like you need social stimulation and your not getting it in the normal sense.If you practice this too much just be careful that you become out of practice talking to real people.

    Other than that its sounds fascinating.

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